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NORTHERN GROUP ISLANDS. MANIHIKI AND RAKAHANGA. The following are extracts from the report of the Resident Agent, in regard to the islands of Manihiki and Rakahanga. Because of the lack of communication since the end of November owing to the hurricane season, this report is for the year ended 30th September, 1929. Health. —Health conditions have been good throughout the year in both islands. Dr. Christie, Chief Medical Officer, paid a visit to both islands during the months of January and September. Dr. P. H. Buck, whilst engaged on research work in May and June, kindly did a considerable amount of medical work, which was greatly appreciated. Trade and Shipping.—The following table shows the quantities of copra and shell exported from the two islands : —

Imports values for the year were : Manihiki, £3,856 13s. 9d. ; Rakahanga, £2,930 18s. Id : total, £6,787 lis. lOd. Vital Statistics. —Births, deaths, and marriages for the year ended 30th September, 1929 : — Manihiki.—Births : Males, 6 ; females, 9 : total, 15. Deaths : Males, 6 ; females, 4 : total, 10. Marriages, 3. Rakahanga. —Births : Males, 8 ; females, 6 : total, 14. Deaths : Males, 3 ; females, 1 : total, 4. Marriages, 5. Planting of Lands.—Duri rig the year the people paid considerable attention to the planting of their lands, and the islands are both well planted. Coconut, puraka, breadfruit, and bananas were planted, and the inhabitants have a plentiful supply of food. Unfortunately, however, owing to the drop in copra-prices, the purchasing-power of the people has been very considerably reduced. Roads. —Roads in all settlements have been well maintained during the year. High Court. — Criminal jurisdiction : In Manihiki the total number of cases for criminal offences, and for breaches of regulations and local Ordinances, was fifty-one, whilst in Rakahanga fifty cases were dealt with. Convictions were entered in all cases. Civil jurisdiction : Five civil cases were dealt with at Manihiki. Statement of Revenue for the Year ended 30th September, 1929 Manihiki : High Court fees and fines, £36 6s. ; traders' licenses, £50 ; marriage fees, £1 Is. civil fees, £1 10s. ; duty collected, 3s. lOd. ; Rarotonga Account, Kaitara, 2s. 6d. ; stamp sales, £8 : total, £97 3s. 4d. Rakahanga : High Court fees and fines, £40 10s. ; traders' licenses, £36 ss. ; marriage fees, £1 15s. : total, £78 10s. Police Department. —There are three police officers in each island. Offences committed have been of a trivial nature, and law and order are being well maintained. Island Council.—Regular meetings of the Island Councils were held, and all matters affecting the welfare of the people satisfactorily discussed and decided upon. Visit of Resident Commissioner.—The Resident Commissioner, accompanied by the Registrar, paid visits to both islands in May and June, when various matters pertaining to the Land and High Courts were dealt with. Dr. P. H. Buck visited these islands at the same time, to carry out research work on behalf of the Bishop Museum of Honolulu.

Copra. Shell. Vessel. Date. — - - — — — Manihiki. Rakahanga. Manihiki. 1928. T. cwt. qr. lb. T. cwt. qr. lb. T. cwt. qr. " Tiare Taporo" .. October .. 33 11 1 16 72 18 1 16 27 16 3 1929. ,, . . January 69 16 2 26 " Tagua" .. .. „ .. 7 12 0 0 32 6 3 3 " Tiare Taporo " . . March 85 8 1 8 . . May, June . . 36 18 0 14 80 0 1 2 H.M.S. " Veronica " .. July " Tagua " .. .. September .. 76 10 3 13 26 0 0 0 " Tiare Taporo " „ 59 18 3 5 369 16 0 26 211 5 1 21 27 16 3