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The number of books taken out during the recess (excluding those taken out by members, Departments, and house officers) was 11,401, which compares with recent years as follows : 1926-27, 12,694 ; 1927-28, 9,818 ; 1928-29,12,212; 1929-30, 11,401. I am glad to say that recess-privilege holders generally have shown their appreciation of the privilege by careful observance of the rules. The occupations of the recess-privilege holders were stated as follows : Accountants, 7 ; advertising agents, 2 ; agents, 3 ; architect, 1 ; artists, 6 ; auctioneer, 1 ; bookseller, 1 ; bank clerks, 7 ; builders, 3; caterer, 1 ; carpenters, 3 ; chemists, 11 ; Civil servants, 165 ; clergymen, 13; clerks, 67 ; commercial traveller, 1 ; company director, 1 ; dentists, 7 ; domestic duties, 120 ; draughtsmen, 14 ; electrical engineers, 6 ; civil engineers, 11 ; mechanical engineers, 6 ; farmers, 2 ; gardener, 1 ; Harbour Board employee, 1 ; Inspectors of Schools, 3; insurance agents, 5 ; interpreter, 1 ; journalists, 30 ; labourers, 2 ; land-agents, 2 ; law clerks, 19 library assistants, 6 ; company managers, 4 ; manufacturers, 3 ; medical practitioners, 20 ; merchants, 3 ; messengers, 8 ; meteorologists, 2 ; municipal employees, 11 ; musicians, 6 ; military officer, 1 ; Naval officers, 2 ; nurses, 4 ; optician, 1 ; photographer, 1 ; police officers, 2 ; printers, 8 ; plumber, 1 ; salesmen, 4 ; seaman, 1 ; company secretaries, 11 ; settler, 1 ; shipping managers, 2 ; shop-assistants, 5 ; solicitors, 37 ; students, 34 ; surveyor, 1 ; social workers, 2 ; teachers, 56 ; timber-merchant, 1 ; typists, 23 ; Trade Commissioner, 1 ; valuer, 1 ; warehousemen, 2 ; wool-classer, 1 ; no occupation or retired, 67 : total, 856. Library Committees. The following meetings of the various Committees were held during the financial year : Legislative Council, I ; House of Representatives, 1 ; Joint, 1 ; Selection, 2. The work of the Library has proceeded very smoothly throughout the year. Members have assisted in the efficient working of the Library by their observance of the rules and the Library Committee has been uniformly helpful. The balance-sheet for the year, with the Auditor-General's certificate attached, is appended. I have, &c., G. H. SCHOLEFIELD, Chief Librarian. LIBRARY FUND ACCOUNT. Statement foe Year ended 31st March, 1930. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d To Balance:, Ist April, 1929 .. .. 418 9 6 By Purchase of books and periodicals in— Annual grant .. .. .. 900 0 0 United Kingdom .. .. .. 623 13 3 Private Bill fees .. .. .. 75 0 0 New Zealand .. .. .. 240 5 8 Refunds for lost books, &c. .. .. 5 3 11 Australia .. .. .. 42 15 11 United States .. .. .. 48 6 1 South Africa .. .. .. 4 113 India .. .. .. .. 1 12 4 Insurance on books .. .. .. 17 10 0 Petty expenses .. .. .. 2 2 8 Bank charge .. .. .. 0 10 0 Balance— £ s. d. Bank of New Zealand, £430 3s. sd. ; less unpresented cheque, £14 os. 5d... .. 416 3 0 Petty cash .. .. 13 3 417 6 3 £1,398 13 5 £1,398 13 5 G. H. SCHOLEEIELD, Chief Librarian. Examined and found correct. —G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not^given; printing (425 copies), £2 7s. 6d.

By Authority: W. A. G. Skinner, Government Printer, Wellington.—l93o.

Price 3d. \