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C —continued. SUMMARIES.

Number of Ewes in the Dominion (Stud and Others) since 1911.

Number of Rams, Wethers, Ewes, and Lambs in the Dominion since 1911.

Number of Sheep in the Dominion since 1911.

4—H. 23.

Auckland Nanior-ftiB Wellington- Marlborough- Canterbury- m „„ m. tlll b N or P neSheep WestCoast Nelson-Westland Tota! District. District. DtoriSt. ouJtriot. District, Di8triot - Dominion. I Stud rams (entered 1,282 1,198 3,521 834 3,536 3,877 14,248 in Flook-book) Other rams .. 47,069 100,660 ! 89,028 19,610 88,150 89,852 434,369 Wethers .. 464,012 656,259 723,766 243,293 561,665 718,921 3,367,916 Breeding-ewes .. 1,865,690 3,858.525 3,588,246 809,400 3,663,071 3,779,243 17,564,175 Dryewes .. 86,094 281,071 203,781 57,836 231,375 217,515 1,077,672 Lambs.. .. 861,125 2,039,842 1,664,744 395,543 1,504,245 1,917,408 8,382,907 Totals .. 3,325,272 6,937,555 6,273,086 1,526,516 j 6,052,042 6,726,816 30,841,287 I

North Island. South Island. Dominion. Year. — — Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. 1911 .. .. .. 6,354,874 751,817 5,969,589 560,643 12,324,463 1,312,460 1912 .. .. .. 6,393,460 755,906 5,883,569 579,857 12,277,029 1,335,763 1913 .. .. .. 6,505,491 729,637 6,015,545 434,070 12,521,036 1,163,707 1914 .. .. .. 6,619,378 697,352 6,300,798 468,923 12,920,176 1,166,275 1915 .. .. .. 6,643,567 704,218 5,971,814 678,242 12,615,381 1,382,460 1916 .. .. .. 7,230,450 546,821 5,662,317 657,214 12,892,767 1,204,035 1917 .. .. .. 7,475,418 617,565 5,784,751 455,082 13,260,169 1,072,647 1918 .. .. .. 6,846,053 1,106,652 6,175,981 492,097 13,022,034 1,598,749 1919 .. .. .. 6,311,797 1,202,085 6,030,103 609,312 12,341,900 1,811,397 1920 .. .. .. 5,838,704 1,243,633 5,730,971 580,561 11,569,675 1,824,194 1921 .. .. .. 6,312,456 890,601 5,835,332 455,218 12,147,788 1,345,819 1922 .. .. .. 6,771,482 525,903 5,724,572 434,145 12,496,054 960,048 1923 .. .. .. 7,170,154 454,287 5,892,849 363,645 13,063,003 817,932 1924 .. .. .. 7,148,949 680,806 5,927,145 365,644 13,076,094 1,046,450 1925 .. .. .. 7,463,735 535,878 6,251,488 347,888 13,715,223 883,766 1926 .. .. 7,503,200 663,427 6,445,052 416,308 13,948,252 1,079,735 1927 .. .. •• 7,905,432 513,915 6,926,298 317,776 14,831,730 831,691 1928 .. .. .. 8,211,878 470,096 7,322,173 399,031 15,534,051 869,127 1929 .. .. .. 8,820,536 483,397 7,787,619 399,301 16,608,155 882,698 1930 .. 9,312,461 570,946 8,251,714 506,726 17,564,175 1,077,672

Stud Rams, Flock Rams, Wethers, Year. Two-tooth and Two-tooth and Two-tooth and Breeding-ewes. Dry Ewes. Lambs. Totals. Over. Oyer. Over. 1911 .. 17,275 280,623 3,342,281 12,324,463 1,312,460 6,719,024 23,996,126 1912 .. 16,155 290,433 3,359,969 12,277,029 1,335,763 6,470,804 23,750,153 1913 .. 13,156 300,534 3,207,550 12,521,036 1,363,707 6,985,827 24,191,810 1914 .. 13,385 308,484 3,211,661 12,920,176 1,166,275 7,178,782 24,798,763 1915 .. 16,084 299,167 3,270,221 12,615,341 1,382,460 7,318,148 24,901,421 1916 .. 15,114 301,017 3,478,263 12,892,767 1,204,035 6,896,954 24,788,150 1917 .. 10,464 318,766 3,457,824 13,260,169 1,072,647 7,150,516 25,270,386 1918 .. 11,932 313,179 3,696,520 13,022,034 1,598,749 7,895,888 26,538,302 1919 .. 13,541 307,763 3,922,632 12,341,900 1,811,397 7,431,321 25,828,554 1920 .. 13,553 293,068 3,901,742 11,569,675 1,824,194 6,317,738 23,919,970 1921 .. 16,376 305,768 3,634,799 12,147,788 1,345,819 5,834,481 23,285,031 1922 .. 12,388 309,684 2,727,624 12,496,054 960,048 5,716,461 22,222,259 1923 .. 10,862 319,193 2,551,627 13,063,003 817,932 6,318,822 23,081,439 1924 .. 12,008 320,806 2,807,032 13,076,094 1,046,450 6,513,386 23,775,776 1925 .. 12,400 343,179 3,063,663 13,715,223 883,766 6,529,724 24,547,955 1926 .. 13,808 356,727 3,212,435 13,948,252 1,079,735 6,294,036 24,904,993 1927 .. 12,334 375,940 3,074,974 14,831,730 831,691 6,522,347 25,649,016 1928 .. 12,151 384,200 3,024,647 15,534,051 869,127 7,309,634 27,133,810 1929 .. 12,794 409,537 3,289,135 16,608,155 882,698 7,849,063 29,051,382 1930 .. 14,248 434,369 3,367,916 17,564,175 1,077,672 8,382,907 1 30,841,287

Tntni ftfiifl Sheep of a distinctive Breed and Crossbred Sheep. c Stud and Stud Stud stud gh _ GraDd Total, g Flock Breeding- Dry T bg and Flock „ • Stud and Rams. ewes. Ewes. * Kams. Wethers. |wes? 8 ~ Dry Ewes. Lambs. Flock Sheep. 1911 297 898 229,709 14,117 163,899 705,623 3,342,281 12,094,754 1,298,343 6,555,125 23,996,126 1912 306 588 232,782 11,563 155,498 706,431 3,359,969 12,044,247 1,324,200 6,315,306 23,750,153 1913 313 690 228,145 12,902 167,605 722,342 3,207,550 12,292,891 1,150,805 6,818,222 24,191,810 1914 321 869 229,055 13,526 170,169 734,619 3,211,661 12,691,121 1,152,749 7,008,613 24,798,763 1915 315'251 237,717 17,341 176,556 746,865 3,270,221 12,377,624 1,365,119 7,141,592 24,901,421 1916 316131 252,201 15,012 175,155 758,499 3,478,263 12,640,566 1,189,023 6,721,799 24,788,150 1917 329*230 160,212 6,212 114,778 610,432 3,457,824 13,099,957 1,066,435 7,035,738 25,270,386 1918 323'ill 171,437 6,297 125,116 627,961 3,696,520 12,850,597 1,592,452 7,770,772 26,538,302 1919 321'304 165,676 12,196 127,150 626,326 3,922,632 12,176,224 1,799,201 7,304,171 25,828,554 1920 306'621 154,516 9,803 109,454 580,394 3,901,742 11,415,159 1,814,391 6,208,284 23,919,970 19<H 322'144 158,608 9,513 110,428 600,693 3,634,799 11,989,180 1,336,306 5,724,053 23,285,031 1922 322'072 154,277 7,259 98,221 581,829 2,727,624 12,341,777 952,789 5,618,240 22,222,259 1923 330'055 172,843 9,013 119,749 631,660 2,551,627 12,890,160 808,919 6,199,073 23,081,439 1924 332'814 179,533 9,727 132,137 654,211 2,807,032 12,896,561 1,036,723 6,381,249 23,775,776 192* 355 579 184,744 7,867 131,485 679,675 3,063,663 13,530,479 875,899 6,398,239 24,547,955 1926 370'535 192,055 10,053 138,526 711,169 3,212,435 13,756,197 1.069,682 6,155,510 24,904,998 1927 388 274 199,219 8,644 144,897 741,034 3,074,974 14,632,511 823,047 6,377,450 25,649,016 1928 396 351 205,720 7,347 145,969 755,387 3,024,647 15,328,331 861,780 7,163,665 27,133,810 1929 422'331 219,802 7,203 156,526 [ 805,862 3,289,135 16,388,353 875,495 7,692,537 29,051,382 1930 448 617 244,480 7,884 174,862 ! 875,843 3,367,916 17,319,695 1,069,788 8,208,045 30,841,287