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It is quite a usual thing for parents to come to me about a wayward daughter, and ask my help in controlling her. I have to tell them that I have no power under the law to interfere, but if the girl will come to me voluntarily, lam willing to do what I can. lam sure that many girls and parents could be helped if Probation Officers had authority to bring young people before a Magistrate or Justices of the Peace without charging them with an offence. My thanks are due to the Magistrates, Court officials, and police for their courtesy and help.

STATISTICS. OFFENDERS PROBATION ACT, 1920. Ages and Terms of Probation of the Offenders admitted to Probation during the Year 1929.

Summary op Cases dealt with during the Year 1929. Admitted to Deferred „ , Probation. Sentence. Number reporting on Ist January, 1929 .. .. .. .. 1,028 150 1,178 Admitted to probation during 1929 .. .. ~ .. 557 151 708 Totals .. .. .. .. .. 1,585 301 1,886 Completed probation during the year .. .. .. .. 552 149 701 Discharged by Prison Board .. .. .. .. .. 11 .. 11 Deceased .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 4 7 Left the Dominion .. . . .. .. .. .. 12 4 16 Absconded and not traced (term expired) .. .. .. 24 8 32 Resentenced on original charge .. .. .. .. .. 31 2 33 Committed further offences .. .. .. .. .. 52 11 63 Totals .. .. .. .. 685 178 863 Number reporting on 31st December, 1929 .. .. .. 900 123 1,023 Breaches of Conditions op Release committed during 1929. Failed to report, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 Committed further offences .. .. .. .. .. .. 74 Absconded (still untraced) .. .. .. .. .. 29 161 Costs op Prosecution and Restitution Moneys collected during the Year ended 31st March, 1930. £ s. d. Amount of costs of prosecution-moneys collected by Probation Officers 865 19 1 Amount of restitution-moneys collected .. .. .. .. 3,648 0 6 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,513 19 7

Age in Years Months 0ne Eighteen ! Two Three Four Five j ™ . , ®' ' j Year. Months, j Years. | Years. Years. Years. I or under. i Under 20 years of age .. 4 67 1 57 24 .. .. 153 20 and under 25 5 70 1 82 12 .. 1 171 25 „ 30 5 34 2 32 12 1 .. 86 30 „ 40 9 36 3 36 7 1 .. 92 40 „ 50 .. 2 9 .. 14 2 .. .. 27 50 „ 60 ..3 11 .. 6 2 .. 1 23 60 „ 70 ' .... 3 .. 1 .. .. .. 4 70 and over .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. 1 Totals .. 28 230 7 228 60 2 2 557