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Taken on the whole the work during the year may be regarded as progressive and satisfactory, notwithstanding certain failures which but serve to remind us that " 'tis not in mortals to command success." When one remembers the forces of ignorance, indifference, and neglect arrayed against us and then assesses the gains commensurate with thought and effort, there is certainly no need for pessimism. Home visitation, time and circumstances permitting, has been carried out, and often the chance or uncertain visit to a home is more enlightening as to the causes of probationary failure than twenty visits made by the probationer himself to his official sponsor would be. The voluntary probation committee continues to render valuable service, and those members whose zeal for the work has led them to undertake almost complete personal oversight over one or more probationers express themselves as amply rewarded by the obvious results of their beneficial influence and practical efforts on behalf of their charges. Thrift as a factor towards wholesome independence and ultimate self-respect is encouraged among probationers, and in some cases full control over an offender's earnings is given by the Court, and, almost needless to state, invariably proves a moral and economic safeguard. One of the most encouraging features of the work has been the number of visits and letters received during the year from ex-probationers, many of whom have long since passed from official control to a transmutative bond of good fellowship and helpfulness. In passing I cannot afford to omit mention of the helpful spirit of co-operation with the Superintendent of the Invercargill Borstal Institution, whose efforts towards re-educating his charges are to be seen in many instances of completely changed outlook on life. It is a privilege to recommend these youths to prospective employers, and rarely has it been necessary to recommend the cancellation of their license and return to the institution for slackness or serious misdemeanour. During the year a distinctly forward move was made by entering into office accommodation more befitting our needs, where under happy association with the executive of the Patients and Prisoners' Aid Society the work is carried out under reciprocal and advantageous conditions. I would again place on record my appreciation of the courtesy and kindness shown me in my work by members of the local Bench and Bar, and those associated with them in the administration of justice, the ready co-operation of the social workers and members of the voluntary probation committee generally, for whose kindly and practical assistance I express most sincere thanks. Mr. C. G. L. Pollock, Probation Officer, Invercargill. I have the honour to submit the following report for the year ended 31st, March, 1930, on the working of the probation system in the Southland district. Offenders Probation Act probationers : —t Males. Females. Total. On register at the beginning of the year .. .. 21 . . 21 Admitted during the year . . . . .. .. 15 1 16 Beceived on transfer from other districts .. .. 15 .. 15 Total dealt with during the year .. .. .. 52 Completed probation during the year .. .. 7 .. 7 Transferred to other districts .. .. .. 21 .. 21 Left Dominion with permission .. .. .. 1 .. 1 For non-compliance with probation terms — Sentenced to two months' hard labour .. .. 1 . . 1 Committed for one year to Borstal .. .. 1 . . 1 Sentenced to reformative detention on further charges . . 2 . . 2 Sent to Salvation Army Home .. .. .. 1 .. 1 Convicted and ordered to come up for sentence . . 2 . . 2 Total removed from roll during the year .. .. 36 .. 36 On register 31st March, 1930 . . . . 15 1 16 The total number dealt with (52) is 9 less than the previous year's total. In 4 cases costs of prosecution amounting to £7 3s. Bd. were ordered to be paid. Towards this the sum of £5 Is. was received, of which £3 lis. was lodged to the credit of the Public Account, and the balance £1 10s. paid to the Police Department. The restitution requir d to be made amounted to £98 ss. 6d., of which £41 3s. was collected and handed over in accordance with the orders made by the Courts. Crimes Amendment Act probationers, and Prevention of Crime (Borstal Institutions Establishment) Act probationers : — Males. On register at the beginning of the year .. .. . . .. 7 Beceived from Borstal Institutions during the year . . . . .. 2 Transferred from other institutions .. .. .. . . 9 Total dealt with during the year .. . . . . 18 Completed probation in course of the year . . . . . . 5 Transferred to other districts .. .. .. .. .. 7 Left Dominion with permission . . .. .. .. 1 Total removed from roll during the year .. .. .. 13 On register, 31st March, 1930 .. .. .. .. 5