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H. —16.

APPENDIX A—continued. Return showing the Number of Offences reported, the Number of Offences for which Persons were apprehended or summoned, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ended 31st December, 1828, and Year ended 31st December, 1929—continued.


1928. 1929 I I ncreaseor Decrease in I - - j Number of © a) Results of Cases in which Persons were ! Offences 2 § 2 w «( apprehended or summoned. ;| reported. © © © ® a (Charges against Males and Females Number of n#A „ Ani , , g S S * ° separately.) Convictions | Offences. O O g amongst those ! "3 "3 «w« fl committed j Committed Summarily n . m . , for Trial. ?g for Trial. convicted. dismissed. 6 © £ © £ © fe <« S i ™ 2 £ S i ~ © ® a© 3 © 3 ji o I ?H * gn §2 3.2 o£ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. 2 © _ S a 5 I J J J J 8 q Licensing Act —continued. Permitting prohibited persons to be on 1 2 2 .... 1 .. | 1 .. j I premises Unlawfully employing females in or 2:1 4 4 .... 1 3 j! 2 about a bar Employing minors in bars .. .. 7 1 1 ! 1 .. g Illegally supplying liquor to Natives 30 52 52 .. .. 46 .. 6 .. j .. .. ' 22 .. Selling adulterated liquor .. .. 7 1 j .... 1 .. i .. j, 1 6 Obstructing Inspectors or refusing en- 3 6 6 ' .. 5 1 .. ! .. .. ... 3 trance to Inspectors or constables ' I Using bottles with labels more than once 8 j .. .... .. .. .. ..... .... .. 8 Breaches of prohibition orders .. 847 862 i 861 ! .. .. 1 772 74 15 ....... J_g Found on licensed premises after closing- 1,918 2,053 ! 2,047 j .. .. 1,900 9 137 1 .. 1 .. 135 '. hours Refusing to quit licensed premises .. 24 21 20 ! .. 19 .. 1 ...... .. 3 Selling or exposing liquor for sale with- 37 100 100 .. 78 8 14 1 . . .. .. 63 out a license Found on premises where liquor was 17 31 31 .. .. 24 .. 5:2 .. .. 14 .. seized under a warrant Offences against provisions in force in 52 42 42 .... 33 9 .. .. .. 10 no-license districts Selling, supplying, or giving liquor to 12 .. ,. .... . . .. .... .. .... 12 Maoris in Native licensing districts Offences against provisions of no-license 32 60 60 .. .. j 53 .. 7 | .. : .. .. | 28 in Native proclaimed areas Supplying liquor to Natives in pro- 37 38 38 .... 31 .. 7 j .. | . .. 1 claimed districts Permitting consumption of liquor in 4 6 6 .... 3 .. 2 j 1 | .. .. I 2 ! .. restaurant after hours Failing to provide accommodation .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j .. .. .. ! .. 2 Aiding and abetting or counselling the 12 20 20 .. .. 17 .. 3 I '.. .. i 8 1 commission of an offence | Miscellaneous. Absconding from industrial schools .. 52 55 55 .... 54 1 .. I .. .. .. ! 3 Bankruptcy offences .. .. 14 50 48 19 16 1 12 ! .. | 19 .. j 36 Brothels or houses of ill fame, keeping, 1 3 3 .... .. 2 1 .. : .. .. 2 j &c. Children, wilfully ill-treating, neglect- 6 29 28 1 14 11 1 1 1 .. 23 : ing, abandoning, or exposing j Deserting or absenting from His 25 24 18 .... 18 .... 1 Majesty's ships Drunk or behaving in a violent or offen- 32 45 45 .. .. 45 j • ■ • • 13 j .. sive manner, &c., on a railway, &c. Failing to comply with conditions of 176 187 147 1 .. 132 5 9 1 .. 11 release under First Offenders' Probation Act Habitual criminals or offenders, breach 3 2 1 .... 1 .. .... .. .. .. 1 of conditions of probationary license Indecent Publications Act, offences 7 6 6 .... 4 .. 2.. .. .. .. 1 under Opium-smoking, &c. . . .. 9 45 45 .... 41 .. 4 .. . . 36 Smuggling .. . . .. 3 1 1 .... I .. .. 2 Trespassing on railway and refusing to 16 9 9 .... 7 .. 2.. .. .. .. 7 leave, &c. Arms Act, breaches of .. . . 314 272 267 .. .. 245 1 20 J .. .. .. 42 Motor-vehicles Act, breaches of .. 3,666 3,965 3,883 26 1 3,526 87 237 6 7 1 299 Chattels Transfer Act, breaches of 1 .. .. .... .. .. .... . . .. .. 1 Unlawfully removing a survey peg .. 1 .. .. .... .. .. .... . . .. . . 1 Bribery of police officer, attempted .. : 2 2 2.. .. j 2 ... 2 ! .. Totals .. .. .. 33,138 34,250 31,575 1,386 31 26,845 1,220 1,970 123 |l, 174 21 2,185 1073 Increase .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . 1,112 ■ L. If <■ j J