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During the year serious crime has decreased in this district. There was one charge of murder preferred against a man who was also indicted on a charge of manslaughter. At the hearing of the charge the jury acquitted the accused on the murder charge and found him guilty of manslaughter, for which he was sentenced to twelve years' imprisonment. The conduct of the police during the year has been, on the whole, satisfactory. One sergeant and sixteen constables were charged with breaches of the regulations, and convicted and fined in each instance. Both branches of the service, uniform and detective, have shown zeal, and in many cases considerable ability, in the discharge of their duties. Superintendent Emekson, Wellington Head District. For the year ended 31st December, 1929, the total number of offences reported in the Wellington co-ordinated districts was 5,378, being an increase of 321 over last year. The general conduct of the members of the Force has been satisfactory ; thirty-three defaulters were dealt with during the year for breaches of regulations. Inspector Rawle, Wellington Central District. A new police-station was opened at Miramar on the 2nd August, 1929. The number of offences reported for the year 1929 in Wellington Central District was 4,449, an increase of 256 over 1928. The number of offences in which arrests or summonses resulted was 4,243, leaving 206 offences undetected, which shows that slightly more than 95J per cent, of all offences reported were accounted for. The only crime of note committed during the year was the " Wahine " mail-robbery, in which two men were concerned, who were subsequently convicted and sentenced to three and two years' imprisonment respectively. The conduct of the Force generally during the year was good, with the exception of one sergeant reduced to the rank of constable, and one constable charged and found guilty of receiving stolen property. Superintendent Eales, Christchurch Head District. The total number of offences reported was 4,341, as against 4,220 last year. The majority, which include the more serious offences, occurred in the Central District. The general conduct has been satisfactory ; several constables were dealt with for breaches of the regulations. Sub-Inspector O'Hara, temporarily in charge Christchurch Central District. During the year 3,312 offences were reported in this district, as against 3,492 in the preceding year. In very many cases the offences were committed by youths and young men. Two youths (brothers) were responsible for a number of offences of arson, house and shop breaking, and thefts, and one of these youths was convicted also on a charge of attempted murder. In respect to three other charges of attempted murder, in two of the cases the offenders were convicted of assault only, and in the other case a female offender was committed to a mental hospital. With a few exceptions the conduct of the members of the Force in this district was good, and their various duties were carried out in a satisfactory manner. Some constables were dealt with for breaches of discipline and regulations. Motor Regulation No. 11, clause 13, which is commonly termed the "offside rule," and about which there has been much controversy, is in my opinion a very necessary and satisfactory regulation, and has considerably reduced intersection collisions. Superintendent Willis, Dunedin District. No stations were opened or closed during the year, but a new station will be required in the near future at Maori Hill owing to the growth of.that suburb. The total number of offences reported during the year was 1,583 as against 1,588 for the previous year, a decrease of five. The district has been very free from crime of a serious nature. A succession of safe-blowings gave some concern for a few weeks, but the offender was detected and sentenced to a long term of imprisonment. During the year the standard of efficiency has been well maintained, and with three or four exceptions the conduct of non-commissioned officers and men has been uniformly good. Inspector Harvey, Whangarei District. There has been an increase of offences reported during the year —namely, 953 against 764 for the previous year, resulting in 918 prosecutions. The increase has been in common assault, thefts, breaches of Motor-vehicles Act, and mischief. There was no serious crime committed during the year. The conduct of the members of the Force has been good, only one defaulter having to be dealt with. Inspector Eccles, Hamilton District. The number of offences reported for the year ended 31st December, 1929, was 2,124, as compared with 1,767 during the previous year, showing an increase of 357 offences. Of the offences reported 1,947 were accounted for by arrest or summons, leaving 177 undetected. Of the cases dealt with, 56 were committed for trial, of which 48 were convicted. The increase in the number of offences reported is probably due to the increase in the resident population and also the increase of the floating population in this district.