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6. Due to one cruiser only being on the Station from last October until about April, 1932 (H.M.S. " Dunedin " proceeds to England for large repairs in March, 1931), it was found necessary to suspend general recruiting in May, 1929. Since this date a few ratings, other than seamen and stokers, have been entered to fill vacancies caused by wastage. 7. The numbers entered and the districts from which they came are shown in the following table:—

8. The wastage caused by discharge and dismissal was :—

9. The health and discipline of the ships' companies have been well maintained. 111. Naval Base. This being my first report, it is difficult to state exactly the progress that has been made in improvements, but certainly since my arrival at Auckland in November, 1929, Commander Nelson Clover, Royal Navy, the Officer in Charge of the Base, has done much towards improving the appearance of the Base. A gallery of figure-heads from old sailing-ships which traded with New Zealand has been set up, and, in addition, an anchor from the German man-of-war " Adler," sunk in the hurricane at Apia in March, 1889, which was recovered by divers from H.M.S. " Dunedin " this year, and presented by His Excellency the Administrator of Western Samoa. 2. A new Inflammable Store has been built and is now in use, also a Mine-sweeping and Paravane Store, which is of great value, allowing other stores to be used for their proper purposes. In addition, a garage has been built to house the motor tractor and lorry. 3. Work will shortly be commenced on the enlargement of the Gun-mounting Store provided for in the estimates. This will be a great improvement, as the store is congested, and does not allow of proper examination of the mountings. 4. The situation regarding the men's portion of the Dockyard lavatories remains as in the last report, but negotiations are in progress with the Auckland Harbour Board, and it is hoped that improvement will shortly be effected. 5. A new Guard House, entrance gate, and adjacent wall have been erected. 6. In June, 1929, with Cabinet approval, a committee was set up to negotiate with the Auckland Harbour Board and report on the extension of the Calliope Dock, replacement of obsolete workshop machinery, extension of berthing of H.M. ships, &c., in preparation for the replacement of present "D " class cruisers by larger vessels. These negotiations were postponed in February, 1930, to await the results of the London Naval Treaty and subsequent Imperial Conference. 7. The question of the provision of adequate electric power to ships when lying at Sheerlegs Jetty is still under consideration.

Regimental Districts. Stokers. Artisans, &c. Total. Auckland .. .. .. 4 2 6 Paeroa .. .. .. 1 .. 1 Whangarei .. .. .. 1 .. 1 Hamilton .. .. .. 1 .. 1 Wellington .. .. . . I . . 1 Palmerston North Napier . . . . New Plymouth Nelson Christchurcli . . .. 1 .. 1 Dunedin Invercargill .. .. Totals .. .. .. 9 2 11

I I I I Cause. i Seamen. Stokers. | Artisans, &c. j Total. Services no longer required, or as punishment.. 6 1.. .. 6 Unsuitable .. .. .. .. 7 1 .. 8 Desertion .. .. .. .. 3 1 .. 4 Invalided .. . . . . .. 3 1 6 10 Purchase .. .. .. .. 2 2 3 7 Death .. .. ., .. ■ | .. .. 1 1 Totals .. .. .. 21 5 10 36