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The following tables give details of revenue and expenditure for the past six years ; also the receipts and expenditure at the main tourist resorts :— Return of Receipts, 1924-30. 1924-25. 1925-26. 1926-27. 1927-28. 1928-29. 1929-30. £ £ £ £ £ Receipts .. .. 47,263 55,391 61,674 65,447 72,658 75,083 Return of Expenditure, 1924-30. 1924-25. 1925-26. 1926-27. 1927-28. 1928-29. 1929-30. £ £ £ £ £ £ Consolidated Fund .. 66,294 70,794 76,378 76,865 82,987 92,383 Public Works Fund .. 12,343 45,096 31,981 36,673 39,254 20,546 Passenger-booking Branch—Ticket-sales.—l92B-29, £206,103 ; 1929-30, £201,766 : decrease, £4,337.

Statement of Receipts and Expenditure at Main Resorts.

I attach the annual reports of officers responsible in the different resorts and agencies. LITTLE BARRIER, " I beg to report that I have travelled extensively over the island. I have been in some of the gullies going far into the interior, where the native birds were to be seen in increasing numbers. The heart of the bush seemed to be alive with their sweet melodies. The songs of the tuis and the bellbirds, as well as the tame native robins, were a great pleasure to listen to. lam glad to report that the rare stitch-bird is seen regularly, both in the gullies and on the ridges. On my last visit, when far in the interior, while resting, two stitch-birds came quite close to me, and I had a good view of their beautiful plumage. The whiteheads, fantails, grey warblers, and rifleman, or bush-wren, are to be seen everywhere in numbers. The native pigeons are at present near the house in large numbers; in the colder months they fly to the north side of the island, where it is warmer. The red-fronted parrakeet is in goodly numbers, and comes near the house. The tuis and bell-birds are feeding near the house, though not yet in very large numbers, but they are increasing. lam feeding them on sugar, honey, and jam, and sweetened milk. The fruit has not been so plentiful this season. " During the last few months the kiwis have been coming near the house. I have seen them near the house and in the garden. By moving quietly one can get quite close to them. When darkness sets in one can hear their cry. They seem to be in fairly large numbers. I have not been fortunate in seeing the white albino kiwi, but I believe it is still alive. I see white kiwi-feathers occasionally." TE AROHA. Bath Buildings —Drinking-fountains, Ac. —These have been kept in good order during the year. The pumps at Nos. 15, 20, and 21 springs have been renewed. A new massage-room has been built on to the Cadman Baths and an up-to-date X-ray apparatus installed in the same building. 'The baths and mineral - water supply have given no trouble during the year. Seventy - eight cans of No. 15 spring water have been sent to Rotorua, as compared with eighty for last year. Gardens and Playing-areas. —The Domain has been kept in good order during the year. The Department's reservoir was very useful during the dry spell in February and March. The display of flowers and the well-kept lawns and borders have afforded pleasure to many visitors to the Domain.

I - I Year 1929-30. | Year 1928-29. s | If I * I £ S M " o 53 g Resort. » a I •" £ £< I i 1 °gjs, «& ■2* c ®'co » ? S S* 13 ® "a i i ® m £ ® o o 5 ? S **' S S i S o § ® 8 o, K&csgoS o c-^ x S.«go3 05 «■ H s J 05 I H J H | W I £ £ £ £ I £ £ £ £ Te Arolia .. .. .. 1,427 3,391 1,964 .. 1,280 3,437 2,157 Rotorua .. .. .. 38,090 34,829 .. 3,261 35,670 32,494 .. 3,176 Rotorua Acclimatization District .. 2,677 2,074 .. 603 2,214 1,673 .. 541 Waitomo Caves.. .. .. 12,968 9,022 .. 3,946 12,406 7,570 .. 4,836 Lake House, Waikaremoana .. 2,644 3,042 398 .. 3,155 2,571 .. 584 Queenstown .. .. .. 354 1,069 715 .. 277 1,045 768 Glade House and Milford Track .. 3,791 6,449 2,658 .. 3,967 5,770 1,803 Morere Hot Springs .. .. 715 436 .. 279 550 475 .. 75 Passenger-booking Bureaux .. 9,704 13,494* 3,790 .. 10,203 11,333 1,130 * Expenditure includes £861 for office fittings at new bureau at Auckland.