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(7) Whether the net returns from the various subsidiary services maintained by the Department, such as the Lake Wakatipu steamers, refreshment-rooms, advertising, dwellings and other buildings, road motors, &e., are satisfactory, having regard to the returns obtained therefrom, economy in administration, and generally all the surrounding circumstances. City Booking-offices.—City booking-offices for the purpose of providing facilities to passengers securing their tickets and reservations have been established in Auckland (Queen Street), Wellington, and Christchurch for some years, and in each case they appear to have justified their establishment. The figures shown below indicate that so far as Auckland (Queen Street office) is concerned the percentage of expenditure over the total receipts is considerably in excess of that of Wellington and Christchurch. The former, however, has not been established as long as those in the latter cities. Tt is quite possible that when the new railway-station, which is some distance from the centre of the city, is opened, the business done in the Auckland City booking-office will increase considerably and the percentage expenditure be reduced. Auckland. —More recently two additional offices were established —one in Symonds Street, and the other in Karangahape Road; the percentage expenditure in relation to receipts is out of all proportion. As shown, the percentage is 12 - 67 in the case of the Symonds Street office and 16 - 90 in the case of Karangahape Road office. From evidence taken and personal observations made your Commission has come to the conclusion that there is no justification for the continuance of either of these offices, and we recommend that they be closed. In each case leases have been entered into by the Department for the properties, and it is recommended that the leases be disposed of to the best advantage. Rotorua.—ln the case of Rotorua, which is a tourist and health resort, there should be a greater co-ordination between the Tourist and Railways Departments. The Commission recommends that this office be closed. Napier Central. —This office has been established for some considerable time, and is worked in conjunction with the bus service. The expenses for running are out of proportion to the receipts, as is shown by the figures beiow. There does not appear to be any justification for its continuance, and we recommend that it be closed. Courtenay Place, Wellington. —In September, 1929, a booking-office was established in Courtenay Place. It is probably not reasonable to judge this office on the results so far obtained, and for that reason your Commission is of the opinion that the office should be continued meantime and the returns kept under very close review. Unless there is a substantial increase in the business done in the near future, consideration should be given to the question of closing it. Consequent on the regrading of positions in 1927 and 1929, your Commission finds that the grading of the staff in these various booking-offices, having regard to the responsibilities of the work done, is too high, and appointments should be made more commensurate with the services rendered. We are of opinion that considerable economy should be obtained in this direction. This, we may say, applies to all such booking-offices throughout the Dominion. The savings under this heading will amount to £2,260 per annum.

Statement of Expenditure and Receipts, Year ended 31st March, 1930.

Expenditure. Percentage of -V I Total Sales. Ex P^diture _ MispplSalaries. j Bent. laneous Total. Total Receipts. Auckland — £ £ £ £ £ £ Queen Street .. 1,395 975 239 2,509 34,946 7-18 Symonds Street .. 377 263 50 690 5,444 12-67 Karangahape Road .. 357 284 158 799 4,864 16-90 Rotorua .. .. 196 32 24 252 1,982 12-71 Wellington — Central .. .. 1,729 763 230 2,722 115,241 2-36 Courtenay Place .. 501 320 163 984 10,081 9-76 Napier Central .. .. 370 100 49 519 3,247 15-98 Christcliurch Central .. 1,118 500 146 1,764 45,817 3-85 " I • Symonds Street, Auckland, opened, March, 1929 ; Karangahape Road, Auckland, opened, May, 1929 ; Courtenay Place, Wellington, opened, September, 1929 ; Rotorua opened, January, 1930.