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(18) To what extent it is possible and desirable, in the interests of the economic welfare of the Dominion, to co-ordinate rail and road transport, having due regard to the rights of owners of road transport services, the necessity of a satisfactory standard of service, and all other relevant considerations. (19) Generally to review the administration and financial position of the Government Railways Department and to recommend what, if any, steps might be taken to secure a proper balance of economy, efficiency, and satisfactory service. And with the like advice and consent I do further appoint you, Robert Masters, to be Chairman of the said Commission. And for the better enabling you, the said Commission, to carry these presents into effect, you are hereby authorized and empowered to make and conduct any inquiry under these presents at such places as you may deem advisable and at such times as you may deem expedient, with power to adjourn from time to time and from place to place as you think fit, and to call before you and examine on oath or otherwise, as may be allowed by law, such person or persons as you think capable of affording information in the premises ; and you are also empowered to call for and examine all such books or records as you deem likely to afford you the fullest information on the subject-matter of the inquiry hereby directed to be made, and to inquire of and concerning the premises by all lawful means whatsoever. And, using all diligence, you are required to report to me under your hands and seals not later than the first day of September, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, your opinion as to the aforesaid matters. And it is hereby declared that these presents shall continue in full force and virtue although the inquiry is not regularly continued from time to time or from place to place by adjournment. And, lastly, it is hereby further declared that these presents are issued under and subject to the provisions of the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1908. Given under the hand of His Excellency at Government House, Wellington, this 16th day of June, 1930. Approved in Council. [l.s.] F. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Executive Council.

EXTENSION OF COMMISSION REGARDING THE POSSIBILITIES OF INCREASING THE REVENUE AND DECREASING THE EXPENDITURE OF THE NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. Bledisloe, Governor-General. To all to whom these presents shall come, and to Robert Masters, Esquire, of Stratford; John Dryden Hall, Esquire, of Christchurch; Richard William McVilly, Esquire, of Wellington ; and James Marchbanks, Esquire, of Wellington : Greeting. Whereas by a Warrant dated the sixteenth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, and issued under my hand and the Public Seal of the Dominion, you were appointed a Commission to inquire into and report as to the possibilities of increasing the revenue and decreasing the expenditure of the New Zealand Railways, and, using all diligence you were required to report to me, under your hands and seals, not later than the first day of September, one thousand I*