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Hundalee Scenic Reserve. —The Scenic Board controlling these reserves is steadily adding to their improvements. During the year a very creditable caretaker's cottage was erected. The official opening was performed by myself on Saturday, the 30th November. Besides the members of the Board, there were present a number of members of the Council of the Canterbury Automobile Association, members of the press, and local residents. The cottage is a very creditable improvement to the reserves, and was designed in a rustic style to suit its picturesque surroundings, the architect being Mr. B. J. Ager, of Christchurch, who made a special trip to view the locality in order that he could submit a suitable design. The cottage consists of three rooms and a bathroom. The largest room is to be used as a refreshment-room, morning and afternoon teas being obtainable by the travelling public. The room has been completely furnished by donations and gifts from individual members of the Canterbury Automobile Association, who have entered enthusiastically into the scheme to provide a dwelling for a full-time caretaker, who now controls the reserves all the year round. The cottage is situated on the south side of Goose Bay, and the beautiful panorama of coast scenery, with the Kaikoura Peninsula in the background, forms a view that for sheer beauty would be hard to surpass. The cost of erection of the cottage has been met by Government grants totalling £200, £50 donated by the Canterbury Automobile Association, £20 donated by the Kaikoura County Council, £20 obtained by local subscription (collected by Dr. R. L. Withers), £25 from the Board's camping fees, £10 by an anonymous donor, and other small sums obtained by private subscriptions. A further sum of £60 is required to meet the full cost of the building, but this is hoped to be collected by donations or public subscriptions in the near future. A post and telephone office has been opened at the cottage by the Post and Telegraph Department, which convenience is greatly appreciated by the numerous campers. Further public improvements have been installed during the year and the affairs of the Board are in a fairly flourishing condition. The cost of erection of the cottage exceeded the money in hand by some £60, but this amount was raised by a joint and several account guaranteed by the individual members of the Board, who are all enthusiastic in their duties of administration. The Hundalee Reserve was well frequented by motor campers during the holiday season, and, owing to the numerous fireplaces and other conveniences provided, no damage has been reported, and the reserves are kept in a clean and tidy condition. M.anc/amauna Scenic Reserves. —The usual large number of campers frequented the coast along these reserves during the season. Most of the camps are on the road, and are supervised by the Kaikoura County Council. The opinion is unanimously expressed by the Hundalee Scenic Board that these reserves should be placed under the Board's control, and that the fees collected should be expended in providing some much-needed fireplaces and conveniences at the favourite camps, necessities which are sadly lacking at the present time. I wish again to record my appreciation of the services rendered by the honorary inspectors and other gentlemen during the year in supervising the various reserves in their localities. With their aid and assistance, I have been kept advised on various matters affecting the reserves, and they have been of real value to our Department.

APPENDIX H. WESTLAND SCENIC RESERVES. (W. T. Morpeth, Commissioner of Grown Lands.) I have pleasure in reporting that all the scenic reserves in Westland are in a good state of preservation, and a close supervision of the reserves is being maintained by this Department's Field Inspectors and myself, inspections being made as we have occasion to visit various parts of the district from time to time. I also desire to place on record my appreciation of the enthusiasm shown by various local residents in accepting appointment as honorary inspectors, and for their assistance and advice at all times freely proffered. lam also pleased to report that no damage by fire or acts of vandalism have been reported. Franz Josef Glacier. —This reserve, with its famous glacier, ice phenomena, hot springs, picturesque bush tracks, and alpine walks continues to attract an increasing number of Dominion and oversea visitors. Some very picturesque bush tracks have been recently opened up, and further work in this direction is in hand. The bush and bird life on this reserve are jealously protected by local residents and the alpine guides, who all take a very real and personal interest in the reserve and its environs. Fox Glacier. —An area of about 13,000 acres along the Main South Road and abutting on the Fox Glacier was recently set apart out of provisional State forest by special legislation. This area is to be further supplemented by the reservation of another 61,100 acres, which, in addition to the Fox Glacier, will also include other glaciers of lesser importance and a large area of subalpine region. This area adjoins the Franz Josef Glacier Scenic Reserve. A new up-to-date hostel has been recently built on the Main South Road at the approaches to the glacier, and bridges are being erected to provide easy access on to the ice.