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The following statement shows the value of New Zealand minerals (other than coal and coke) and allied substances exported from the Ist January, 1853, to the 31st December, 1929 : —

11. PERSONS EMPLOYED. The following statement shows the number of persons ordinarily employed in or about the metalliferous mines* of the Dominion during the year : —

III. ACCIDENTS. During 1929 no fatal and three serious but non-fatal accidents occurred in or about metalliferous mines, at which 1,566 persons were ordinarily employed.


Total from the 1st 1929. 1928. j Increase or Decrease. thTsu^blttmboT, 1929. I I I £ £ £ £ Gold .. .. .. .. 480,212 489,584 Deo. 9,372 93,907,834 Silver .. .. .. .. 41,475 44,416 I „ 2,941 3,145,140 Tungsten-ore .. .. .. 3,468 328 Inc. 3,140 309,740 Kauri-gum .. .. .. 267,610 240,139 „ 27,471 22,642,132 Pig iron .. .. .. .. .. 1,994 Dec. 1,994 6,586 Sand, lime, and building-stone 8,842 8,830 Inc. 12} 9 „ n Other minerals .. .. .. 210 .. „ 210) Totals .. 801,817 785,291 Inc. 16,526 120,564,662

Inspection District. Classification. : Total, 1929. Northern. West Coast. Southern. Gold, silver, and tungsten .. .. .. .. 801 382 302 1,485 Ironstone .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 .. 20 Cinnabar . . . . .. .. .. .. 57 .. 2 59 Silica-sand .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 2 Totals for 1929 .. .. .. .. 858 I 402 306 1,566 I Totals for 1928 .. .. .. 733 I 441 320 1,494 * In addition, 15 persons were employed in sulphur-mining and 30 persons in oil-boring operations.

Fatal Accidents. Serious Non-fatal Accidents. 0ause ' Number of Tj„ m hoT nf Number of ! Number of Separate ot Separate ! Persons Accidents. ' Acddents. injured. Palls of ground.. .. . . .. . . .. .. 1 .. j Explosives .. .. . . . . • . .. j .. .. ! Miscellaneous, on surface . . . . .. .. ; . . • . 1 ± Miscellaneous, underground . . . . .. . . | .. j .. 2 2 Totals .. .. . . .. .. 3 3