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COAL-MINERS' RELIEF FUND. As mentioned in the Statement for the year 1927, all accident-relief payments are now made from the Coal-miners' Relief Fund, which is administered by the Public Trustee, the Miners' Sick and Accident Funds having been abolished as from the Ist April, 1926, and incorporated in the Coal-miners' Relief Fund. Notwithstanding that the Public Trustee increased, as from, the Ist April, 1927, the rate of interest on the funds by | per cent., the Relief Fund shows a diminution of £1,290 17s. 3d. for the year ended 31st March, 1930, as against a diminution of £685 7s. 4d. for the year ended 31st March, 1929. This has been caused by the payments for relief exceeding the receipts for the year. The interest earned for the twelve months ended 31st March, 1930, was £1,311 13s. 9d., as against £1,364 14s. 2d. for the previous year, while for the same periods the receipts from the |d. per ton contribution were £4,924 3s. lid. and £4,893 10s. 7d. respectively. The total expenditure for the year ended 31st March, 1930, amounted to £7,526 14s. lid., as against £6,943 12s. Id. for the previous year. The amount standing to the credit of the Fund as at the 31st March, 1930, was £24,180 6s. 7d., as against £25,471 3s. 10d., at the 31st March, 1929. STATE COLLIERIES. Housing. With the object of enabling miners and other employees working at the State collieries to erect and own their own homes, a housing scheme was introduced by the Government several years ago, but it was not until three years ago that the employees availed themselves of the opportunity thus offered. To the 31st March, 1930, twenty-seven loans for financing the cost of the erection of houses have been sanctioned, the lowest advance being for £250 and the highest £300. Repayments are made at the rate of 3s. 3|d. per week for each £100 loaned, and at the end of twenty years' time the loan is liquidated. Output and Sales. The operations of the State coal-mines and State coal-depots for the year ended 31st March, 1930, are briefly reviewed hereunder. Liverpool Colliery. —The gross output for the year was 141,420 tons, as compared with 129,126 tons for last year, an increase of 12,294 tons. James Colliery. —The gross output for the year was 43,965 tons, as compared with 39,105 tons for last year, an increase of 4,860 tons. A comparative statement for the two years is shown hereunder : —

Note.—The difference between the gross and the net output is the allowance for mine consumption and waste. In addition to the above, 6,171 tons of coal were purchased for resale, of which 4,928 tons were purchased from co-operative parties on the West Coast. The disposal, inclusive of stock on hand at the beginning of the year, was as follows : Supplied to —Depots, 56,271 tons ; railways, 13,142 tons ; other Government Departments, 4,997 tons ; shipping, 21,413 tons ; gasworks, 73,698 tons ; other consumers, 13,265 tons : total, 182,786 tons. The total sales of State coal from the Liverpool Mine for the year amounted to 139,376 tons, value £189,569,* as compared with 123,974 tons, value £161,157,* for last year —an increase of 15,402 tons, with an increase in value of £28,412.

* These values include sales made c. and f. and f.o.b. as well as f.o.r.

Output, in Tons, 1929-30. | Output, in Tons, 1928-29. Mine. Gross. Net. • Gross. | Net. | I Liverpool .. .. 141,420 ! 134,740 | 129,126 122,340 James .. .. j 43,965 j 42,950 39,105 36,614 I I