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Mr. Speaker,— I have the honour to present to Parliament the annual statement on the mining industry of the Dominion for the year ended 31st December, 1929. During the year the Waikato Carbonization, Ltd., let a contract for the purchase, establishment, and installation of a carbonization plant, a tar-distillation plant, and a briquetting plant for the purpose of treating the slack produced from four of the principal collieries in the Waikato district. The works are being erected in the vicintity of Rotowaro, and it is intended to treat about 250 tons of slack a day. The company's enterprise in finding a substantial sum of money for such a plant is commendable, and if successful, as I hope it will be, should be most beneficial not only to the local miners, but also to the users of the fuel produced. The quantity of gold-silver bullion produced during the year exceeded by 38,406 oz. the quantity obtained during the preceding year, but unfortunately the value obtained was less than in 1928. Some months ago the rates provided in the regulations under the Mining Act, 1926, dealing with " assistance to prospecting " were increased by about 20 per cent, in as far as they apply to sinking in solid rock and for tunnelling or driving through hard rock where blasting is necessary. It is hoped that this will stimulate prospecting for minerals. The gross output of coal for 1929 was a record one —viz., 2,536,864 tons —which is 99,111 tons in excess of the production during 1928. The quantity of coal imported during 1929 was, however, 32,205 tons less than during 1928. The following statement shows the quantity and value of the production of metalliferous mines, stone-quarries under the Stone-quarries Act, and of coal-mines during 1929 and 1928 :—

I— C. 2.

I I 1929. 1928. Mineral. j 1 — —— Quantity. j Value. Quantity. Value. £ £ Gold and silver* .. .. .. 571,320 oz. 527,340 532,914 oz. 551,242 Platinum ., .. .. 7 ,, 36 35 ,, 263 Osmiridium . . .. .. . . .. .. 10 dwt. 10 Tungsten-orc.. .. .. 22igtons 2,613 tons 432 Sulphur .. .. .. 967" „ 13,918 719 ,. 8,200 Iron .. .. .. 4,393 „ 21,965 6,362 „ 31,802 Stone .. .. .. .. .. 4-79,199 .. 461,890 Pumice .. .. .. .. 2,242 „ 8,298 2,301 „ 8,280 Coal .. .. 2,535,864 „ 2,535,864 2,436,753 „ 2,436,753 Silica-sand .. .. .. .. 318 ,, 159 Totals .. .. .. .. £3,589,392 .. £3,498,872 * The gold-silver bullion is generally exported unseparated.