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Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.

Particulars of Security. Amount held ro- Amount held as at Sirt Sold, renewed, as at Maturifv Rate of 81st March . in renewal or redee m ed - 3 ls t March, Nature of Security. Date Interest. 1929 ' renewal. 193Q PUBLIC WORKS FUND.—GENERAL PURPOSES ACCOUNT —continued. % £ £ £ £ Brought forward .. .. .. .. .. 650,585 1,677,480 2,328,065 Held in New Zealand—continued. New Zealand Government Securities —continued. New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917 — Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 15/12/40 4£ 5,000 .. (a)5,000 Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, 1910, 1/8/30 4J 4,000 .. 4,000 and Finance Act, 1919, sec. 6 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Nauru and Ocean Islands) .. 1/12/30 5 192,850 100,000 292,850 Finance Act, 1921-22, sec. 26 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/29 5 12,000 .. 12,000 .... 1/4/34 5 .. 12,000 12,000 Finance Act, 1925, sec. 4 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/29 5 7,000 .. 7,000 .... 1/4/34 5 .. 7,000 7,000 General Purposes Loan Act, 1873 .. .. . . 28/11/29 5 800 .. 800 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. .. .. 1/8/33 5 20,000 .. 20,000 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. .. 1/4/29 5 25,000 .. 25,000 1/4/34 5 .. 25,000 25,000 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Electric-power Works Loan Act, 1919 .. .. 15/7/30 5 5,000 .. 5,000 Finance Act, 1919, sec. 5 (Public Works) .. .. 15/7/30 5 2,760 .. 2,760 State Advances Act, 1913 (Local Authorities Branch) .. 1/6/30 5J 10,000 .. 10,000 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 .. 15/8/33 5J 2,000 .. 2,000 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. .. 15/8/33 5J 1,750 .. 1,750 Land for Settlements Act, 1925 .. .. .. 1/3/32 5£ 13,000 .. 13,000 New Zealand Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 15/2/32 5J 4,200 .. 4,200 Finance Act, 1915, sec. 105 (Public Works) .. .. 15/12/30 5J 19,050 .. (6)19,050 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers Branch) 1/2/36 5J 11,000 .. . 11,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers Branch) 1/2/36 5| 1,350 .. ! 1,350 987,345 1,821,480 2,808,825 Treasury bills issued under the Public Revenues Act, 1926, 28/12/29 4 .. 150,000 150,000 sec. 41 Ditto .. .. .. .. ■■ •• 31/3/30 4 .. 650,000 650,000 987,345 2,621,480 3,608,825 Transfers to other accounts within the Public Account .. 4 60,000 155,000 215,000 under sec. 40, Public Revenues Act, 1926* 1,047,345 2,776,480 3,823,825 j Local Authorities Securities. HARBOUK BOARDS. Harbours Act, 1908, and Greymouth Harbour Board 1/4/31 5f 2,000 .. 2,000 Amendment Act, 1920 — 1,049,345 2,776,480 3,825,825 Held in London. New Zealand Government Securities. New Zealand Consolidated Stock, 1929 .. .. 1/11/29 4 362,500 1,579,000 (c)l,941,500 1,411,845 4,355,480 5,767,325 Samoan Securities. Advances to Samoa under Finance Act, 1926, sec. 4t .. 21/5/58 5| 2,000 .. 2,000 1,413,845 4,355,480 (<2)5,769,325 PUBLIC WORKS FUND. -ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 29 (Public Works) .. 1/2/34 4 .. 109,000 109,000 Finance Act, 1920, sec. 15 (Public Works) .. .. 1/12/30 4 200,000 100,000 300,000 .... 1/12/50 4 .. 50,000 9,000 41,000 Hutt Railway and Road Improvement. Acts, 1903, 1905, 1/1/34 4| • • 10,000 ; 10,000 1907, and 1910 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908 (Public Works Fund— 1/11/50 4 .. 300,000 ; 164,500 135,500 General Purposes Account) 200,000 569,000 j 592,500 176,500 (a) Cost price, £4,800. (b) Cost price, £18,951 15s. (c) Cost price, £1,932,095 15s. lid. (d) Cost price, £5,759,625 10s. lid. * No actual securities are held in respect of these transfers, repayment being secured solely by the terms of sec. 40 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926. t No actual securities are held in respect of these advances, repayment being secured by the terms of sec. 33 of the Samoa Act, 1921.