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Thursday, 26th September, 1929. The Committee met pursuant to notice at 9.30 a.m. Present: Colonel McDonald (Chairman), Rev. Clyde Carr, Mr. Makitanara, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Kyle, Mr. Massey, Mr. Lye, Mr. Samuel, Mr. Semple. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The following members of the House were present: Right Hon. Mr. Coates, Mr. Parry. The following departmental officers were present: Messrs. Rousell and Knutzen (Railway Department), Messrs. Barker and Hansen (Forestry Department), Mr. Cockayne (Department of Agriculture), Mr. Galvin (Lands and Survey Department). Messrs. Yaile, Parsons, and Lane were in attendance. Mr. Dalziell, barrister, Wellington, gave further evidence and was further examined. On motion of Mr. Kyle, it was resolved, That Mr. Newson, Local Stock Inspector, Rotorua, be summoned to give evidence before the Committee. On motion of Mr. Lye, it was resolved, That Mr. Dolamore, Assistant Forester, Rotorua, be summoned to give evidence before the Committee. The Committee continued to sit until 11.25 a.m., and then adjourned until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Ist October, 1929. Tuesday, Ist October, 1929. The Committee met pursuant to notice at 10 a.m. Present : Colonel McDonald (Chairman), Mr. Kyle, Mr. Massey, Mr. Lye, Mr. Makitanara, Mr. Semple, Mr. Samuel, Mr. Jenkins. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman explained that at the suggestion of the Committee the heads of the following Departments had been asked to send representatives to give evidence before the Committee: Department of Agriculture, Lands Department, Forestry Department, and Railway Department. The following members of the House were present: Right Hon. Mr. Coates, Mr. Parry. The following departmental officers were present: Messrs. Roussell and Knutzen (Railway Department), Messrs. Barker, Hansen, and Dolamore (Forestry Department), Messrs. Cockayne and Newson (Department of Agriculture), and Mr. Galvin (Lands and Survey Department). The following were also present: Messrs. Vaile, Dalziell, Blair, Galvin, M. Wells, and Taylor. Mr. Galvin (Lands and Survey Department) gave evidence, and was questioned by members of the Committee and Mr. E. E. Vaile, one of the petitioners. The Committee continued to sit until 1 o'clock, and then adjourned until 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday, 2nd October, 1929. Wednesday, 2nd October, 1929. The Committee met pursuant to notice at 9.30 a.m. Present: Colonel McDonald (Chairman), Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Samuel, Mr. Kyle, Mr. Massey, Mr. Lye, Mr. Semple. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. On motion of Mr. Jenkins, it was resolved, That the State Advances Department be written to requesting a return showing particulars of capital value, amount of loans applied for, and existing mortgages to the Matarawa Land Co. settlers in the Matarawa Land Co.'s area near Putaruru. The Chairman explained to the Committee who the witnesses were from the several Departments who were yet to give evidence, and that one witness, Mr. H. B. Campbell, had volunteered to give evidence. The following members of the House were present : Mr. Lee Martin, Mr. Munns. The following departmental officers were present : Messrs. Rousell and Knutzen (Railway Depart ment), Messrs, Hansen, Barker, and Dolamore (Forestry Department), Messrs. Cockayne and Newson (Department of Agriculture), and Mr. Galvin (Lands and Survey Department). The following were also present : Messrs. Vaile, Dalziell, Galvin, and H. B. Campbell. The following witnesses gave evidence and were examined by members of the Committee and Mr. Vaile : Messrs. Dolamore, H. B. Campbell, and Cockayne. On motion of Mr. Massey, it was resolved to call Mr. Banks, Manager of Hautu Prison Farm, to give evidence before the Committee, subject to the approval of Mr. Speaker. The Committee continued to sit until 1.15 p.m., and then adjourned until 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 3rd October, 1929. Thursday, 3rd October, 1929. The Committee met pursuant to notice at 9.30 a.m. Present: Colonel McDonald (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Ransom, Rev. Clyde Carr, Mr. Makitanara, Mr. Kyle, Mr. Semple, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Lye, Mr. Samuel, Mr. Massey. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. On motion of Mr. Samuel, it was resolved, That a recommendation be made to Mr. Speaker that one of the petitioners, Mr. E. E. Vaile, be furnished with a printed copy of the evidence. Mr. Makitanara and Mr. Jenkins voted against the motion. The following departmental officers were present: Messrs. Rousell and Knutzen (Railway Depart ment), Messrs. Cockayne and Newson (Department of Agriculture), Mr. Hansen (Forestry Department), and Mr. Galvin (Lands and Survey Department).