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Friday, the 25th Day of October, 1929. Ordered, " That the petition of W. J?. Jones and others be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Committee."—(Mr. Harris.) Tuesday, the 29th Day of October, 1929. Ordered, " That the petition of 8. R. Biel be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Committee." — (Mr. Nash.) Thursday, the 31st Day of October, 1929. Ordered, " That the petition of A. C. Gagen be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Committee."— (Mr. Lye.) Monday, the 4th Day of November, 1929. Ordered, " That the petition of H. M. Gunman and others be referred direct to the Public Petitions A to L Committee."—(Mr. Harris.) Wednesday, the 6th Day of November, 1929. Ordered, " That the Public Petitions A to L Committee have leave to sit this day during the sitting of the House."—(Mr. Macpherson.) Thursday, the 7th Day "of November, 1929. Ordered, " That the Public Petitions A to L Committee have leave to sit this day during the sitting of the House." —(Mr. Macpherson.)


No. Petitioner, &c. Page. No. Petitioner, &c. j Page. 5 Adam, B., and 2 others .. .. 7 346/28 Griffiths, George .. .. .. 7 248 Aldis, Morton .. .. .. 7 14 Gubb, W., and 9 others .. . . 4 351 Auckland Seine Net and Line Fisher- 9 417 Gunman, H. M., and 50 others . . 7 men's Association 103 Halliday, T., and 21 others .. .. 3 2 Barnes, W. E. .. .. .. 5 84 Hancock, and Co., Ltd. .. .. 3 375 Barraclough, E. .. . . 9 84 Hancock and Co., Ltd. (second report) 8 374 Beattie, Elizabeth M. .. .. 9 64 Harris, Percy E. .. .. 3 346 Bergman, Victor .. .. .. 7 354 Hart, John Alfred .. .. .. 7 405 Biel, S. R., and 34 others .. .. 9 367 Hayes, F. . . .. .. .. 8 3 Bishop, A. . . .. .. 5 373 Henderson, Henry Charles .. .. 8 36 Blackmore, Cecil Maunsell .. .. 3 78 Henery, E. J. .. .. . . 4 7 Brodie, R. B., and 17 others . . 4 304 Hogg, Charles Henry .. .. 6 38 Buckler, Henry Laity .. .. 4 10 Holdsworth, M., and 7 others . . 4 174 Burnett, S. A. .. .. .. 5 113 Hollings, P. L. .. .. .. 3 342 , Hollis, Rosetta .. .. .. 8 329 Campbell, N. D., and 346 others .. 9 100 Hollis, S. .. .. .. .. 6 116 Cant, A. R. Ji .. .. .. 5 102 Hope, John William .. .. 6 371 Cardno, Helen J. .. .. 9 261 Clarke, Robert John .. .. 5 349/28 Jacentho, P., and 68 others .. .. 4 285 Clayton, Charles .. .. .. 6 356a Jackson, William .. .. .. 7 J32 Cockin, Wi G., and 16 others .. 3 44 Jacobsen, Margaret Amy .. .. 3 109 Cody, Joseph .. .. .. 3 251 Johnstone, H. .. .. .. 6 47 Commins, Flora Mary .. .. 3 377 Jones, W. F., and 637 others.. .. 7 336 Connolly, Minnie, E. .. .. 6 353/28 Cook, E„ and 27 others .. .. 5 154 Lake, Frederick James .. .. 6 82 Corey, John .. .. .. 4 42 Lankow, Stanley William .. .. 6 208 Cullen, Frederick Aloysius .. .. 5 415 Lee Wah .. .. .. .. 8 388 Lind, Abraham A. .. .. .. 8 31 Dalziell, Frederick George .. .. 6 89 Litt, Joseph .. .. .. 4 ] 3 Dawson, T. H. .. .. .. 4 87 Delaney> George .. .. .. 6 133 Neilson, P., and 11 others .. .. 3 225 Denton, Percy Norwood .. .. 4 I 8 Newbold, F. S., and 3 others .. 4 211 Donald, A. B., Ltd. .. .. 4 326 Duncan, Robert James .. .. 7 17 Osborne, A. G., and 4 others.. .. 4 390 Duncan, Thomas Charles .. .. 9 18 Pace, F. C., and 3 others .. .. 4 45 Edwards, Gillespie .. .. .. 4 50 Page, A. E., and 8 others .. .. 4 414 Eaves, N. M. and 15,202 others .. 8 11 Riddell, G. C., and 3 others .. .. 4 278 Farr, Maud Ellen .. .. .. 5 j 412 Rosser, A., and 388 others .. .. 8 Final report .. .. .. 10 33 Fitzpatriqls, WiUi am Henry .. .. 5 12 Scott, R. P. L., and 3 others .. 4 51 Flynn, D., and 12 others .. .. 4 419 Short, F. J., and. 276 others .. .. 8 378 Foley, Michael .. .. .. 8 15 Smethhurst, S., and 6 others .. 4 368 Fryday, N. B. .. .. .. 9 .. Special report re Chairman .. .. 9 Special report re Clerk .. .. 10 313 Gallagher, S. H., and another .. 7 i 9 Spry, T. J. .. .. .. 4 ; 204 Grqenhead, Charles, Henry .. .. 3 204 Greenhead, Charles Henry (secpnd report) 8 16 Whineray, B., and 5 others .. .. 4 Summary. Petitions disposed of, 111 ; special reports, 2 ; final report, 1 : total, 114.