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Tuberculosis (all Fokms), 699 . The following table indicates the course of this disease since 1872 :—

Tuberculosis (all Forms) in New Zealand, 1872-1928.

New Zealand Las the lowest death-rate from tuberculosis in the world. In common with that of many other countries, including Great Britain, it has steadily reduced in the last half-century. Last year's rate was remarkably low, and this year's is consistent with the general falling tendency. Tuberculosis, however, still takes fifth place as a cause of death in New Zealand, and disables temporarily or permanently many more than it kills. Of 699 deaths from tuberculosis last year, 569 were assigned to pulmonary tuberculosis and 130 to other forms of this disease, comprising tuberculous meningitis and peritonitis, and tuberculosis of the bones, joints, glands, &c. Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Last year's increase in deaths was wholly in pulmonary cases, which are regarded by most authorities as conveyed from human sources. There were 1,512 notifications of fresh cases during the year, and although during the last few years the number has steadily increased, while that of the deaths has reduced, there is reason to believe all are not yet notified. In the South Island particularly there is a growing tendency for special institutional treatment to be undertaken in the early course of the disease. A distressing feature of this disease of adult —often early adult —life, and one which frequently assumes economic importance owing to the involvement of breadwinners in the process, is the protracted convalescence. Modern sanatorium practice is to retain cases in such an institution for long periods, owing to the frequency of relapses following short courses of treatment. New Zealand has not yet embarked upon a colony to accommodate tuberculous adults with their families and enable them to earn a little under medical supervision at suitable occupations before they are fitted to engage independently in full-time occupation. If the Hospital Boards continue to develop sanatoria, some such provision will probably be found advisable. Other Forms of Tuberculosis. The 130 deaths last year from other forms of tuberculosis were made up as follows : — Tuberculosis of meninges and central nervous system . . .. .. 58 Tuberculosis of intestines and peritoneum . . .. .. .. 28 Tuberculosis of vertebral column. . . . . .. .. 17 Tuberculosis of bones .. . . . . .. . . .. 1 Tuberculosis of genito-urinary system .. % .. .. .. 10 Tuberculosis of other organs .. .. .. . . .. 2 Disseminated tuberculosis .. . : .. .. .. 14 130 A small proportion only of these latter deaths, particularly those of children, are deemed by recognized authorities to be possibly due to infection from the cow, and bacteriological tests of milksupplies in New Zealand have shown the milk-supply to be remarkably free from bovine tubercle.

2—H. 31.

Number of Deaths Death-rate from TuberYear. from culosis per 10,000 of : Tuberculosis. Mean Population. - _ j1872 .. i 346 12-66 1873 .. 296 10-50 1874 .. 391 12-26 1875 .. 561 15-63 1876 .. 488 ! 12-59 1877 .. 512 | 12-68 1878 .. 513 12-20 1879 .. 587 13-10 1880 .. 645 13-60 1881 . . 680 13-80 1882 .. 611 12-00 1883 .. 700 13-23 1884 .. 718 12-99 1885 .. 698 12-25 1886 .. 705 12-11 1887 .. 734 12-31 1888 .. 647 10-69 1889 .. 649 10-61 1890 .. 650 10-47 1891 . . 663 10-53 1892 .. 700 10-90 1893 .. 729 11-02 1894 .. 752 11-07 1895 .. 761 10-99 1896 .. 680 9-62 1897 .. 763 10-57 1898 . . i 769 10-44 1899 .. 795 10-60 1900 ..| 752 9-85 1

Number of Deaths Death-rate from TuberYear. from culosis per 10,000 of Tuberculosis. Mean Population. 1901 .. 775 9-96 1902 .. 802 10-05 1903 ... 769 9-38 1904 . . 799 9-46 1905 .. 678 7'79 1906 .. 720 ! 8-04 1907 .. 856 ! 9-31 1908 .. 840 8-89 1909 .. 803 8-26 1910 .. J 731 7-36 1911 .. | 733 7-27 1912 .. 716 6-89 1913 .. 812 7-60 1914 .. 728 6-67 1915 .. 793 6-30 1916 .. 742 6-74 1917 .. 755 6-87 1918 .. 832 7-54 1919 .. 762 6-71 1920 .. 851 7-21 1921 . . 793 6-48 1922 .. 821 6-56 1923 .. | 792 I 6-21 1924 .. 736 5-67 1925 .. 684 5-14 1926 .. 727 5-37 1927 .. 668 4-86 - 1928 .. 699 5-02