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Nursing. A review of the scheme of training of midwifes and maternity nurses, the issue of an amended schedule of subjects for examination of nurses, arrangement of reciprocity with overseas branches of the British Empire, and the establishment of ante-natal clinics at all training-schools for maternity nurses are among important matters mentioned in the Director's report as having been dealt with by the Nurses and Midwives Registration Board. The post-graduate course for nurses is proving successful. Maori Hygiene. The report of the Director of the Division of Maori Hygiene testifies to the excellent work that is being achieved on behalf of the health of the Native race. The Maori Health Councils continue to perform their useful functions, with a result that a higher standard of sanitation is being maintained and better water-supplies are available in the Native settlements. It is satisfactory to note that the incidence of typhoid fever shows a marked improvement over the previous year. Board of Health. Quarterly meetings of the Board of Health were held during the year. Requisitions were served upon a number of local authorities requiring them, in terms of section 22 of the Health Act, to undertake the provision of certain sanitary works. Some of these works involved large expenditure of money. Other matters considered by the Board included a review of the working of the law in regard to venereal diseases in New Zealand, the training of medical students in midwifery, and the subject of medical research. During the year Professor A. M. Drennen, having accepted an appointment overseas, relinquished his seat on. the Board, and his place was filled by the reappointment of Sir Lindo Ferguson. Recently the Board has sustained a great loss by the death of Sir James Wilson, who has been a member of the Board since its inception in 1921. The Board of Health has done a great deal of good work during the year, and the Government is indebted to the members of the Board for the services they have rendered. Medical Practitioners Act, 1914. Four meetings of the Medical Council were held during the year under review. The following table, covering the past five years, summarizes the Board's work so far as the granting of applications by medical men for registrations, &c., are concerned.

The work of the Medical Council is largely of a confidential nature, and involves inquiries into charges of misconduct which from time to time are made against medical practitioners. A number of such cases have been dealt with during the year. Plumbers Registration Act, 1912. Two meetings of the Plumbers Board constituted under this Act were held during the year. Examinations under the Act were held in June and October. A total of 456 candidates presented themselves for examination, the result being that eighty-one passed in the theoretical part and 110 in the practical; eighty-five qualified or completed in both parts of the examination and were duly granted registration. The Gazette notice for 1928 contains the names of 1,951 plumbers. Masseurs Registration Board. Four meetings of the Masseurs Registration Board were held during the year under review. The present number on the masseurs roll is 465. During the year the usual examinations were conducted, and fifteen persons were placed on the register. The question of training of blind masseurs received consideration, and the matter is held over until such time as the Massage School can ascertain by experience whether it is possible to combine the training of blind masseurs with the candidates at present in training. Reciprocity was arranged with Victoria, thus completing reciprocity with the whole of the Commonwealth.

1 1924. 1 1925. 1920. i 1927. 1928. r ' . ■ I i -. ■ . i j . i Number on register on 1st January .. .. 1,138 1,204 1,211 1,283 1,320 Number added during year .. .. 85* 78f 94J 54§ 45|j Number removed during year .. .. 19 71 22 17 8 Number on register at end of year .. .. 1,204 1,211 1,283 1,320 1,357 * Includes 67 with New Zealand qualifications. f Includes 69 with New Zealand qualifications. } Includes 69 with New Zealand qualifications. § Includes 38 with New Zealand qualifications. || Includes 30 with New Zealand q ualifications.