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Wellington. Inspection, 12th July, 1928. All stations, appliances, and other equipment were found in order. There has been a large expenditure on Capital Account in the Wellington Fire District, principally due to erection of two new substations —one in the Miramar district, having two sets of married quarters, &c. ; the other in Brooklyn, with three sets of married quarters, &c. Major additions to equipment included two 40-45 horse-power motor combination machines fitted with 300/350 g.p.m. turbine pumps, firstaid pumping outfit, ladder, &c. ; also, two commercial chassis have been purchased, and bodies built thereon locally, to serve as hose-and-ladder tenders. Westport. Inspection, 24th October, 1928. Superintendent and eighteen firemen were in attendance at the inspection muster. The inspection drills were carried out in an active and willing manner, but more instruction and drill are necessary. Attendance at the fourteen fire calls averaged 86-2 per cent, of the total membership —a good record. A 14-28 horse-power motor-chassis was purchased, and a welldesigned body built thereon by a local firm. A recommendation was made that an electrically operated fire-alarm be installed directly connected with the Telephone Exchange. Whangarei. Inspection, Bth October, 1928. Two officers and fourteen firemen were in attendance at the inspection muster. The required inspection drills were carried out in an efficient manner, and the station and equipment were found in good order and condition. Attendance at the eleven general fire calls averaged 80-1 per cent, of the total membership of the brigade —a good record. Formation of a Volunteer Fire Police Corps was recommended in my report to the Board.