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Pahiattta. Inspection, I.4th January, 1929. Two officers and twelve firemen were in attendance at the inspection parade. There was a decided improvement in the carrying-out of the required inspection drills, and the station and equipment were found in good order. I had again to call attention to the very inadequate water-supply for fire-extinction purposes, and if there is 110 prospect of immediate imjirovement in both volume and pressure, I recommended provision of a pumping outfit. Also, the motor hose-tender was not fitted with a siren, as required by Regulations under the Motor-vehicles Act. Palmerston North. Inspection, 12t,h March, 1929. Two officers and nineteen firemen were in attendance at the inspection parade. The inspection drills were carried out in a smart and efficient manner, and the station and equipment were found to be in first-class order. Again attention was called to the increasing inadequacy of the water-supply for fire-extinction purposes in Palmerston North, which has now assumed a most serious aspect. Examination of the brigade log-book shows that at times the pressure between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. fell as low as 18 lb. and under, whilst for many days the pressure during the said twelve hours averaged only 35 lb. or less ; and it is apparent that if during such period an outbreak of fire got anything of a start in one of the larger risks disastrous consequences must be anticipated. Petone. Inspection, 19th February, 1929. Two officers and fourteen firemen were in attendance at the inspection parade. The inspection drills were carried out in the customary efficient manner, and the station and equipment was found in first-class order. Attendance at the thirty-five general alarms averaged 73 per cent, of the total membership—a fair record. Attention was again called, to the serious conditions of the water-supply for fire-extinction purposes in Petone. At 8.30 p.m. on the evening of the inspection the pressure on the station gauge stood at 42 lb. ; the telephone signal was given to start booster pumping, but in four minutes and a half the standing pressure had risen only 6 lb. ; half a minute later the gauge registered 51 lb., which was the maximum pressure reached. Altogether, with the small diameter of a larger portion of the reticulating-mains, the water-supply conditions in Petone have reached a dangerous stage. Port Chalmers. Inspection, 7th December, 1928. The Superintendent and ten firemen were present at the inspection muster. The inspection drills were carried out in a satisfactory manner, and the station and equipment were in good order. Attendance at the three fire calls averaged only 49 per cent, of the total membership. The engine of the motor hose-tender is not powerful enough for fire purposes in such a hilly district; in any case the machine has been in service for eight years, and is past effective work ; also, the machine is not fitted with a siren, as required by the Regulations under the Motor-vehicles Act. I noted that several of the street hydrants were completely hidden in the grass ; this is a matter requiring prompt attention. Pukekohe. Inspection, 14th June, 1928. Two officers and eleven firemen were in attendance at the inspection parade. The inspection drills were carried out in a smart and efficient manner, and the equipment was found in good order. The full strength of the brigade was in attendance at the three fire calls —an excellent record. The newly installed electric siren should be connected by direct wire to the Telephone Exchange. The Fire Board is now negotiating a loan for erection of a new fire-station to replace the present dilapidated old building. A poll for a waterworks extension loan has been carried by the ratepayers, and the proposed scheme will materially improve the water-supply for fire-extinction purposes. Rotorua. Inspection, 23rd November, 1928. Two officers and seventeen firemen, were in attendance at the inspection parade. The inspection drills were carried out in a smart and efficient manner, and the station and equipment was in first-class order. Attendance at the twenty-nine fire calls averaged 74-2 per cent, of the total membership—a fair record. In view of future necessity for erection of a more commodious central fire station, the Fire Board have acquired a site in Amokau Street. The new site is well situated, and otherwise suitable for the purpose. Taumarunui. Inspection, 24th January, 1929. Two officers and twelve firemen were in attendance at the inspection muster. The inspection drills were carried out in a satisfactory manner, and the station and equipment were in good order. Attendance at the thirteen fire calls avera.ged 87'2 per cent, of the total membership of the brigade —a good record.