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Hastings. Inspection, 18th September, 1928. Two officers, seventeen firemen, and two messengers were in attendance at the inspection parade. The inspection drills were carried out in an efficient manner, and the station and all equipment were found in first-class order. Attendance at the twenty-five general alarms averaged 74*5 per cent, of the total membership—a fair record. Certain recommendations were made in regard to future drill and practice. The additions and alterations to the central station will prove quite a factor in improving the all-round working efficiency of the brigade. Three additional call-boxes have been installed on the street fire-alarm system. Hawbka. Inspection, 24th September, 1928. The full strength of the brigade, two officers and sixteen firemen, were in attendance at the inspection muster. The inspection drills were carried out in a smart and efficient manner, and the station and all equipment were found in first-class order. Attendance at the thirty-five general alarms averaged 82 per cent, of the total membership of the brigade a good record. Attention was again called to the advisability of acquiring additional land adjoining the present fire-station. An electrically driven siren has been installed in place of the firebell. llikurangi. Inspection, 9th October. Two officers and thirteen firemen were in attendance at the inspection muster. Hikurangi is a newly constituted fire district, and at the time of my inspection equipment of the brigade had not been completed. Certain inspection drills were carried out in a manner satisfactory under the circumstances. An address and practical instruction it) (ire matters generally were given, and a number of necessary recommendations made to the Fire Board. Hokitika. Inspection, 26th October, 1928. Two officers and twenty-three firemen were in attendance at the inspection parade. The required inspection drills were carried out in a satisfactory manner, and the central and hose-reel stations with their several equipments were found in good order and condition. In my report to the Board installation of mechanical apparatus for ringing the firebell, or preferably installation of an electrically operated siren in direct connection with the Telephone Exchange, was advocated ; also that motor transport for men and appliances should now be provided. Invercargill. Inspection, sth December, 1928. Two officers and eighteen firemen were in attendance at the inspection parade. The inspection drills were carried out in a smart and efficient manner, and the station and all equipment were found in first-class order. A new 55 horse-power motor combination fire-engine, fitted with a 65 ft. escape, &c., has been purchased and placed in commission. In regard to the water-supply, the scraping and cleaning of the reticulation is proving very effective, and will increase efficiency of the supply from 50 to 75 per cent., but the necessity of laying down larger distributing-mains, so to obtain an adequate flow and pressure throughout the whole of the reticulation, still remains. Kaiapoi. An inspection of the Kaiapoi fire district, fire-station, and equipment was made on the 29th October, 1928, when both station and equipment were found in good order and condition. Attendance at the seven general alarms averaged 70 per cent, of the total membership of the brigade—a fair record. There is no water-supply system installed in the Kaiapoi Borough, and to obtain water for fireextinction purposes the brigade pump from the river with their motor fire-pump. For years past in my various reports attention of the Fire Board has been called to the necessity for the construction of sumps in certain parts of the town, to enable dealing with outbreaks of fire in properties situated at a distance from the river, but up to the time of my last visit none had been constructed, although I understand one was shortly to be sunk in the Main North Road. Levin. Inspection, sth February, 1929. Two officers and fourteen firemen were in attendance at the inspection muster. The station and equipment were found in good order and condition. Attendance at the four general alarms averaged 77-6 per cent, of the total membership of the brigade —a fair record. The inspection drills were not carried out to the same degree of efficiency that obtained on previous occasions, and certain recommendations were made to the Board in that respect. Masterton. Inspection, 15th January, 1929. Two officers and seventeen firemen were in attendance at the inspection muster. The inspection drills were carried out in a smart and efficient manner, and the station and equipment were found in first-class order. Attendance at the fifteen general alarms averaged 76-5 per cent, of the total membership of the brigade—a fair record. The Board have decided to purchase a site for erection of a new central fire-station.