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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

ORDER OF REFERENCE. Office of the Minister of Native Affairs, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, N.Z., 2nd September, 1929. To Dr. T. Hughes, Messrs. W. Slaughter and Tukere te Anga. You are appointed a Committee to inquire and report to the Minister of Native Affairs upon the following matters : — (1) In the City of Auckland and its environs and the surrounding district, to what extent are the Maori people employed either as servants or contractors of Chinese and other Asiatics or of Europeans in connection with market-gardening ? (2) Under what circumstances the Maoris are so employed—as to their payment, housing, and general health and sanitary conditions. (3) To ascertain as far as possible how many female Maoris are living with Chinese or Hindus, whether lawfully married or not. (4) Whether it is in the interests of public morality that the employment of Maori girls and women by Chinese arid Hindus should be permitted to take place. (5) Generally to report such matters affecting the Maori race in any family or other connection with the Chinese or Hindus of -which you think notice should be taken in the interest of the Maori or the public. (6) Tf you are of opinion that the existing conditions require emendation, what remedy would you suggest ? A. T. Ngata, Native Minister.

EMPLOYMENT OF MAORIS ON MARKET GARDENS. Department of Health, District Health Office, Pukcmiro Chambers, 53 Anzac Avenue, Auckland, 11th October, 1929. The Hon. Sir Apirana Ngata, Minister of Native Affairs, Wellington. Sir, — The Committee appointed by Cabinet on the 2nd September (consisting of Dr. T. J. Hughes, Medical Officer of Health, Auckland ; Mr. W. Slaughter, Officer in Charge, Labour Department, Auckland ; and Mr. Tukere te Anga, Native Department; assisted by Dr. E. P. Ellison, Director of Maori Hygiene, in an advisory capacity) has the honour to present you with its report and findings on the evidence adduced relating to the above question. Your Committee heard evidence and inspected a considerable number of market gardens in Auckland and its environs, Pukekohe, Otaki, Foxton, and Wangamii. A considerable number of Europeans, Asiatics, and Maoris tendered evidence. A copy of this evidence, together with notes on the accommodation provided by market-gardeners for their employees, is attached hereto*. Much valuable information has been obtained, and the Committee is now in a position to submit its findings and make proposals of a concrete nature for your consideration.