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Telegrams—continued. page Telephone—continued. Page Number and value .. .. .. 19, 52, 53 Exchanges—continued. Of all codes . . .. .. .. 19, 52 Return of equipment installed and in use in Ordinary : Number and value .. .. 19, 52 automatic exchanges on the 31st March, 1929 41 Press : Number and value .. .. .. 19,52 Subscribers connected .. .. .. 38 Urgent: Number and value .. .. .. 19, 52 Services .. .. .. .. 34 Week-end letter service: Extension .. .. 28 Statistics .. .. .. 38 Telegraph — Telephones — Amount of business .. .. .. 19, 52, 53 Automatic, in New Zealand .. .. 40 Arrangements at places at which race meetings are Checking of transmitters and receivers .. .. 43 in progress on Saturdays .. .. . . 18 \ Percentage of business and residential stations .. 39 Attendance at four chief centres on departmental ! World statistics .. .. .. 39 holidays for press purposes . . .. 18 i Toll communications — Conference at Brussels, 1928 .. .. .. 4, 18 Increase in . . .. .. .. 5 Development .. .. .. .. 4 Reduction of rate for urgent calls between 8 p.m. Engineers' Conference .. .. .. 4 and 8 a.m. .. .. .. 19 Instruments and batteries .. .. 24 Return of delays and cancellations .. .. 20 Lines — Trans-Tasman flight .. .. .. .. 6 Extension of toll and telegraph facilities .. 21 Length of erected, &c. .. .. .. 24 Maintenance of .. .. 24 U Poles and wire .. .. .. 24 Superimposed .. .. .. ..24 Unclaimed packets, auction of .. .. .. 17 Macmne-printmg Undelivered postal packets .. .. .. 16 Number of telegraph instruments and batteries Universal battery system : Palmerston North .. 19 in use .. .. .. 25 J J Offices open for business .. .. . . 18 Receipts and payments .. .. 9 Revenue .. .. .. 9, 19, 52, 53 ... Telegraph and toll services- Vancouver mail-service 12 General election, 1928 . . .. .. 18 New Zealand Rugby team : Tour of South Africa 18 Telegraph and toll traffic : Number and value .. 19 W. Telephone and toll stations open for business .. 18 Wireless— Telephone— Amateur radio receiving-station license : Special Carrier-current system .. .. .. 4,42 license fee for sets installed in public places .. 33 Development .. .. .. .. 4 Amateur receiving-station licenses: Form of lixtension of toll and telegraph facilities .. 21 application .. .. .. ..34 Extension stations per 100 main stations .. 37 British official wireless news .. .. .. 31 Facilities for commerce train .. . . 34 Broadcasting .. .. .. .. 5, 32 Furnishing weather forecasts free of charge .. 34 Broadcasting and copywright.. .. .. 6, 33 List of toll stations in telephone directories .. 19 Broadcasting of press messages to ships at sea .. 32 Maintenance of lines .. .. 24 Communication between New Zealand and Pacific Statistics .. .. .. . . 38 islands .. .. .. .. ..31 Toll calls : Return of delays and cancellations .. 20 Equipment and operation of New Zealand coast Toll service: Improved methods .. . . 19 stations .. .. .. .. 30 Toll lines used as relay lines for radio broadcasting Installation on ships of automatic alarm apparatus 32 purposes . . .. .. 21 international Radio-telegraph Convention, 1927 29 Exchanges— Long-distance transmission .. .. .. 5 Automatic .. .. .. 39 Patent rights in respect of apparatus .. .. 30 Automatic : Switching equipment for small Post-radiogram service from ships at sea to New telephone communities .. .. 40 Zealand coast stations . . .. 32 Carrier-current system .. .. .. 4, 42 Receiving-station license : Installation in hospitals Development of .. .. 34 and similar institutions . . .. 34 Extension stations per 100 main stations .. 37 Restriction upon class of message handled by ships Extension to cabling and switching system .. 35 operated by wireless signallers .. .. 32 Extensions not completed during year .. 36 Services .. .. .. .. 29 Graph showing proportion of dial and manual Weather report and forecast: Adoption of new telephones in New Zealand from 1920 onwards 40 form .. .. .. .. 32 Installation of miscellaneous equipment .. 34 Wireless and Cables Conference .. .. 3, 27 Miscellaneous improvements .. .. 37 Wireless-telegraph stations open for business .. 18 Open-wire systems reconstructed .. . 36 Work performed for other Departments .. .. 6 Percentage of business and residential stations 39 Workshops .. .. .. .. .. 14