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FAGE Receipts and Payments .. .. 1,9 Staff .. ..... . 1, 10 Overseas Mails ...... 2, 12 Inland Mail-services ...... 2, 12 Rural Deliveries .. .. .. 3, 12 Money-orders .... . . 3 Savings-bank. . .. ... . 3 .Decentralization of Postmen at Wellington 3 Imperial Wireless and Cables Conference .3, 27 International Telegraph Conference ..4, 18 Conference of Engineers ... . 4 Telephone and Telegraph Development ... 4 Carrier-current Telephony .... 4, 42 Increase in Toll Calls .. .. 5 Wireless Long-distance Transmission .. 5 Wireless Broadcasting. ..... 5, 32 Wireless Broadcasting and Copyright .. 6, 33 Trans-Tasman Flight .... . . 6 Work performed for other Departments 6 Registration of Motor-vehicles .. ..6, 13 Motor Transport .. ... . 7 Buildings . . .. .. ..7, 11 Suggestions Board .... .. 7 Post and Telegraph Act, 1928 .. 7 Postmaster - General: Relinquishing of Office .. . . .. . . 8 Details of Revenue, &c. .... 8 Change of Staff Control ... . 10 Regrading Report Form .. 10 Reclassification of the Service .... ' 10 Appeal Board .... . . 10 Departmental Correspondence School .. 10 Examinations . . . . . . 11 Householder Circulars .. 12 Missing Postal Packets ... . 13 Inspection . . ... . 13 Graph showing the. Total Number of Motor-vehicles of all Classes registered Monthly from April, 1925 .. .. 14 Refund of Duty on Motor-spirits .. 14 Departmental Motor-vehicles ... . 14 Workshops . . .. .. 14 Stores Branch . . .. . . 15 Articles delivered ....• . . 16 Average Number of Letters posted per Unit of Population .... . . 16 Number of Post-offices in Dominion .. 16 Undeliverable Postal Packets ... . 16 Miscellaneous Postal Figures ... . 16 Prohibition of Postal Packets .. .. 17 Register of Newspapers and Magazines .. 17 Postage-stamps .... , . 17

PAGE Customs Parcels .. .. .. 17 Customs Examination of Post Parcels and Packets at Palmerston North .. 17 Postal Note£ .. .. .. 17 British Postal Orders .. .. .. 17 Home Savings-tank Boxes .. .. 17 General Election, 1928 .. 18 New Zealand Rugby Eootball Team : Tour of South Africa .. . . 18 Telegraph Arrangements at Places at which Race Meetings are in progress on Saturdays .. .. .. 18 Press Telegraph Attendance at Four Chief Centres on Departmental Holidays .. 18 Telegraph and Telephone Offices open for Business .. .. .. 18 Telegraph and Toll Traffic . . .. 19 Universal-battery system at Palmerston North .. .. .. 19 Machine-printing Telegraphs .. .. 19 Toll Communications : Reduction of Rate for Urgent Calls between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. .. .. .. 19 List of Toll Stations in Telephone Directories .. .. .. 19 Toll Service : Improved Methods of Operation .. .. - .. .. 19 Return of Toll-call Delays and Cancellations .. .. .. 20 Relay Lines for Radio Broadcasting Purposes .. .. .. 21 Extension of Toll and Telegraph Facilities 21 Maintenance of Lines .. .. . . 24 Poles and Wire .. .. ~ 24 Table showing Class and Number of Telegraph Instruments and Batteries in use at Telegraph-offices for the Year ending 31st March, 1929 . . .. 25 New Zealand Submarine Cables .. 26 Cable Services .. .. 27 International Money-order Telegram : Supplementary Telegraph Fee .. . . 27 Daily Letter-telegram Service .. . . 28 Week-end Letter-telegram Service .. 28 Cable Rates .. .. .. 28 Cable Traffic .. .. . . 29 Wireless Services .. . . 29 International Radio-telegraph Convention, 1927 .. .. .. .. 29 Patent Rights in respect of Radio Apparatus .. ~ .. 30

i—F. 1.