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WESTPORT HARBOUR . . __ 1926-27. RECEIPTS. 1927-28. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of Year, — £ s. d. £ s. d. 21,520 16 9 Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 15,807 4 8 48,500 0 0 Investment Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 66,000 0 0 81,807 4 8 70,020 16 9 Credits-in-aid, — 70 6 6 Vote —Westport Harbour .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 230 9 0 Credits in Reduction, — Unauthorized Expenditure— Services not provided for .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 297 13 2 439 12 9 Recoveries on account of Expenditure of previous Years 12,452 5 1 Wharfage .. Westport Harbour Act, 1920, Section 8, and Finance Act, 1921, Section 4, — 18,57111 1 Special Coal Rate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31,66114 10 7,854 5 3 Port Charges .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8,411 11 6 20,206 8 9 Endowments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20,344 17 8 58 0 0 Rents .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 311 15 2 Sale of Endowment Lands .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 0 0 1,404 4 3 Miscellaneous Receipts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,595 6 1 2,634 8 11 Interest on Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,352 4 4 Adjustment of entries wrongly shown in previous years,— Recoupment under Finance Act, 1919, Section 4— Interest .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 94,218 1 3 Sinking|Fund .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21,459 8 6 ——— 115,677 9 9 £133,711 19 4 j Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £263,710 6 2 ' ~~ WORKING RAIL- £ s. d. Balance at end of Year, — £ s. d. £ s. d. 14,528 13 4 Cash in Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 309,795 0 4 I mpr sts outstanding— 20 4 4 In r e Dominion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 820 6 1 8,601 9 7 In London .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53,898 16 2 175,000 0 0 Investment Account .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 500,000 0 0 — 864,514 2 7 798,150 7 3 Credits-in-aid, — 982,015 15 2 Vote—Working Railways .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,063,613 9 9 7,793,108 11 0 Railway Revenue .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,725,283 19 8 Government Railways Act, 1926, Section 37 (1) (6), — Transfers from Consolidated Fund— 429,068 2 7 Losses on Isolated Sections and Branch Lines .. .. .. .. .. 484,658 14 6 15,301 8 4 Interest on Investments .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23,476 5 3 110,017,644 4 4 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £10,161,546 11 9 Note. —In these accounts the credits-in-aid (section 51, Public Revenues Act, 1926) and other credits in reduction of expenditure are shown as receipts, and are not deducted from the expenditure as prior to 1924-25. For the purposes of comparison a summary showing the net expenditure will be found on page 74.