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B—B. 1 [PT. I].


| 1926 1927. EXPENDITURE 1927-1928. Gross. | Gross. £ s. d. Annual Appropriation,— £ s. d. [ £ s. d. 604,570 7 5 Vote—Main Highways .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. j 608,810 10 2 I 1 I - ' * ' j Balance at end of Year, — j ! 62,321 2 9 Cash in the Public Account .. . .. .. .. .. j 68,746 14 8 Imprests outstanding — 3,238 7 0 In the Dominion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3,824 2 10 5,000 0 0 Investment Account .. .. .. .. ... .. .. —— i j 1 72,570 17 6 70,559 10 6 | . £675,129 17 11 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. £681,381 7 8 ACCOUNT. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. j 109 1 8 Advances under Subsection (6) (6) of Section 4 of the Mining Amendment Act, 1913 | ■ Expenditure under Subsection (6) (e) of Section 4 of the Mining Amendment Act, 1913,— 12 0 Administration Expenses Mining Act, 1926, Section 383 (6) (b), — 5,226 16 0 Advances for the development of mining .. .. .. .. .. .. 102 16 11 Public Revenues Act, 1926, Section 139, — Interest recouped to the Consolidated Fund .. .. .. .. .. 900 0 0 Balance at end of Year, — 6,612 4 8 Cash in the Public Account .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,615 17 6 Investment Account— 7,000 0 0 Securities held .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7,000 0 0 — 14,615 17 6* 13,612 4 8 £18,949 4 4 Totals .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , £15,618 14 5 * For explanatory statement see page 73. Note. —In these accounts the credits-in-aid (section 51, Public Revenues Act. 192ft) and other credits in reduction of expenditure are shown as receipts, and are not deducted from the expenditure as prior to 1924-25. For the purpose of comparison a summary showing the net expenditure will be found on page 74.