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Meteorological Records.

Wireless. The wireless station has, with one exception, worked smoothly throughout the year The following figures show the volume of work transacted during the period, excluding press : —

Radio press news is issued free twice weekly. In addition to the New Zealand free press, the Administration have supplied the most interesting items from the Suva, Sydney, and American press, thus providing the local residents with a much appreciated bulletin of some ten to twelve thousand words monthly. Public Wokks. Roads. —General maintenance work has been carried out on the roads by prison labour. On the Alofi-Liku Road at Mana, where the road runs through the bush, all trees overhanging the road have been cut down and the road re-formed and top-dressed with makapala. The trees felled have been cut up for firewood at the hospital. The junction of the Hakupu-Alofi Road has been widened and the sharp corner taken off. A new deviation 500 yards in length at Opaahi, on the Tufukia-Alofi Road, has been completed. This has straightened out the road considerably and has done away with a very dangerous bend. Reservoirs. —A new reservoir with a capacity of 3,200 gallons has been erected in concrete at the Medical Officer's residence ; another with a capacity of 2,500 gallons has been erected at the hospital theatre. Repairs have been effected to both the Hikutavake and Tuapa reservoirs. Government Buildings.—Medical Officer's residence : A considerable amount of work has been done to this building. In addition to the new reservoir mentioned above, general repairs have been effected to the bottom plates, studs, and floors, and all guttering around the building has been renewed. The veranda has been enclosed with lattice-work to a height of 3 ft. 6 in. Schoolmaster's residence and school, Hakupu : The roof of the detached classroom has been rethatched with sugarcane-leaf. One 12 ft. desk to seat six children made, a concrete stand for pump erected, and. new cesspits and drainage-pits dug. The residence and school have been whitewashed inside and out, and general repairs effected. Schoolmaster's residence and school, Tufukia : The residence and school have been whitewashed inside and out, and general repairs effected. Two horizontal bars and a sandpit with concrete kerbing have been erected for the use of physical defectives. Wireless operator's residence : A new cookhouse, W.C., and 200-gallon. galvanized-iron tank on stand have been erected. Carpenter's workshop : A 600-gallon galvanized tank on concrete stand has been erected. Bond shed : Concrete foundations put in and sliding-door fitted. Wharf : Concrete stands and fittings for davits erected, and electric-light brackets fitted. Hospital: The theatre and kitchen which were in a bad state of repair have been demolished. The new building containing the operation and dental theatre, also the new kitchen, has now been completed. The new reservoir erected at the hospital has been connected up with the hot-water service, and laid on to both the operation and dental theatres. Dispensary : Cupboards and fixtures for safe custody of all poisons and dangerous drugs have been erected, and boxes, drums, &c., made for keeping of stock medicines. Repairs to water-tank and stand, and new guttering erected.


Temperature. Barometer. — Rainfall. ! l>il |^. with Maximum Rain Kain. on any One Day. Maximum. Minimum. Deg. Fall. Deg. Fah. Inches. Inches. Highest .. 30-32 98 72 30-90 27 10-35 (April, 1911) (Mar., 1921) (Feb., 1921) (Mar., 1923) (Mar., 1913) (Nov., 1926) Lowest .. 29-66 82 1 54 0-08 1 0-06 (Mar., 1911) (July, 1914) (July, 1915) (June, 1915) (July, 1911) (June, 1915)

Inwards. Outwards. • Gross | Receipts. Messages. Words. Messages. Words. £ s. d. First quarter .. .. .. .. 34 255 23 183 14 6 6 Second quarter .. . . . . 39 370 44 386 27 0 9 Third quarter.. .. .. .. 66 462 53 459 32 2 4-| Fourth quarter . . . . .. 67 522 60 660 46 0 8 Totals .. .. .. 206 1,609 210 1,688 119 10 3f