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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

Tuesday, 27th March, 1928. The Conference was opened at Parliamentary Buildings, Wellington, at 11 a.m., the Eight Hon. J. G. Coates, P. 0., M.C., Prime Minister, presiding. The delegates were as follows : — Employees' Representatives: — Wellington : A. Cook, P. Cornwell, A. Black, J. Churchhouse, W. Nash, J. Roberts, W. Bromley, J. Tucker, R. Semple, E. Kennedy, A. Parlane. Auckland : 0. Mcßrine, T. Bloodworth, J. Purtell, j. P. John, B. Martin. Ohristchurch : H. Worrall, H. C. Revell, F. R. Cooke, R. A. Brooks, C. Baldwin. Dunedin : W. Herbert, J. Robinson. Invercargill: T. O'Byrne. New Plymouth : R. Fulton. Employers: — Employers' Federation : Hon. T. S. Weston, W. G. Smith, T. 0. Bishop, H. Mainland. A. G. Henderson. Farmers' Union : W. J. Poison, R. S. Chadwick, F. Colbeck, W. W. Mulholland, J. Carr. Sheep-farmers : H. D. Acland, R. M. Morten, J. S. Jessep, W. N. Nicholson, C. H. Williams. Dairy-farmers : A. Morton, J. G. Brechin, H. H. Stirling, J. Fisher, H. J. Middleton. Chamber-s of Commerce : D. J. McGowan, H. S. E. Turner. Manufacturers' Federation : F. Campbell, G. Finn, W. H. P. Barber. Economists : Professor Murphy (Wellington), Professor Belshaw (Auckland), Professor Tocker (Christchurch), Professor Fisher (Dunedin), Professor Williams (Massey Agricultural College). Associated Banks : G. W. Mcintosh. Parliamentary Committee: Sir John Luke, R. McKeen (representing H. E. Holland), P. Fraser (representing M. J. Savage), J. A. Nash, F. Waite, G. W. Forbes, E. A. Ransojn. Official Heads of Departments : F. W. Rowley, Secretary of Labour ; H. D. Thomson, Secretary, Immigration Department; F. S. Pope, Department of Agriculture; T. B. Strong, Director of Education ; M. Fraser, Government Statistician ; J. W. Collins, Secretary Industries and Commerce; C. E. Bennett, Public Works Department; Dr. Marsden, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; C. E. Berendsen, Prime Minister's Department. Manager of Conference : Hon. John Barr, M.L.C. Secretary of Conference: H. E. Le Grove. Opening Address by Prime Minister. The Right Hon. Mr. Coates (Prime Minister), in opening the Conference, delivered the following address :— I wish, in the first place, to express my pleasure at meeting the members of this Conference, which is, I believe, the first of its kind to be held in New Zealand. Your deliberations will be of a vitally important character, and your comments, and I hope decisions, should have a far-reaching effect upon the welfare of New Zealand. If your work is successful it may lead to incalculable benefit to the people of New Zealand, and lam sure, therefore, that every gentleman present will give of his best. We have present here the selected representatives of the employers, primary and secondary ; we have present also the chosen delegates of the employees : surely the occasion offers a unique opportunity of pointing the way to industrial peace and progress. The Government in calling this Conference have made an honest attempt to bring together what are apparently conflicting interests, in the hope that by meeting face to face and threshing out their difficulties they may succeed in bringing peace and good-will to the industries of New Zealand. It is probably unnecessary for me to recapitulate the events that have led to the calling-together of this Conference. You all know of the Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Amendment Bill which was introduced last session by the Government, and of the

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