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No. 22. New Zealand, No. 76. Sir, — Downing Street, 4th April, 1927. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's telegram of the 14th March, and to request you to inform your Ministers that, in accordance with their request, His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington has been instructed to inform the United States Government that His Majesty's Government in New Zealand desire to associate themselves with the views expressed by His Majesty's Government in Great Britain in regard to the reservations attached to the accession of the United States to the protocol of the statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. I have, &c., L. S. AMERY. Governor-General His Excellency General Sir C. Fergusson, Bart., LL.D., G.C.M.G., K.C.8., D.5.0., M.V.0., &c.

No. 23. New Zealand, Dominions No. 231. Sir, — Downing Street, 12th April, 1927. With reference to Your Excellency's despatch, No. 260, of the 9th December, 1926, I have the honour to transmit to you, for the information of your Ministers, the accompanying copy of a note to the German Ambassador, on the subject of legislative provisions in force in New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, and the Irish Free State with regard to territorial waters. I have, &c., L. S. AMERY. Governor-General His Excellency General Sir C. Fergusson, Bart., LL.D., G.C.M.G., K.C.8., D.5.0., M.V.0., &c.

Enclosure. Youk Excellency,— Foreign Office, S.W. 1, Ist April, 1927. With reference to my note to Monsieur Dufour-Feronce of 11th September last, I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that His Majesty's Government in New Zealand place upon the term " territorial waters " the same interpretation as that indicated in my note referred to above. 2. His Majesty's Government in the Union of South Africa, who state that there are no legislative provisions or enactments in force in the Union beyond the general application of the Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act, 1878, also desire to associate themselves with the views expressed in my note. 3. While certain aspects of the matter are under consideration by His Majesty's Government in the Irish Free State, the position of the Irish Free State, in so far as the question of territorial waters is regulated by statute, is similar to that in Great Britain. I have, &c., (For the Secretary of State), His Excellency Monsieur Friedrich Sthamer. G. R. Warner.

No. 24. New Zealand, No. 82. Sir, — Downing Street, 20th April, 1927. I have the honour to request Your Excellency to inform your Ministers that, as a result of the discussions which took place at the time of the Imperial Conference on the subject of air co-operation, the Air Council have inquired whether His Majesty's Government in New Zealand would wish to consider the appointment of a Liaison Officer at the Air Ministry. 2. As your Ministers are no doubt aware, His Majesty's Governments in Canada and the Commonwealth of Australia have appointed Liaison Officers, and the Air