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and fitted to the boiler, whereby, instead of it being fed with cold water direct from the town main, the water passes through a coil heated by waste steam from the laundry, and enters the boiler at a temperature of about 150°, thus effecting a substantial saving in fuel. Electrical.—ln the early part of the year the reticulation of Mamaku was completed, the supply being mostly for domestic purposes. Several small motors, and one of 30 h.p. in a sawmill, were also installed by consumers. The slackness in the timber trade has resulted in less revenue than anticipated. An extension to the 6,600-volt Ngongotaha line was made along Clayton Road to give supply to four dairy farms. Other consumers will be picked up as the district develops. On the Okere 6,600-volt line, approximately three miles from Rotorua, an extension was made to the 6,600-volt line to give supply to three dairy farms in that locality. Several small domestic consumers were also supplied. In the Malfroy Road, Ranolf Street, and South Fenton Road area the distribution system was reconstructed to provide for the additional loading due to the number of electric ranges which were being installed. A good deal of similar work has been done in other areas to cater for the same class of load. Along with the new work a good deal of maintenance and reconstruction work has been done, so as to gradually bring our distribution lines up to the standard set out in the Public Works Department's regulations. Our main supplies during the year have been drawn from the Public Works Department's powerstation at Horahora ; the Okere plant has also been used to a considerable extent, as will be evident from the following table of units generated and purchased :— Horaliora. Okere. Total. 1927 .. .. .. .. 1,186,990 201,018 1,388,008 1926 .. .. .. .. 921,900 198,017 1,119,917 Increase .. .. .. .. .. .. 268,091 New consumers—light, 178 (69,070 watts) ; heat, 120 (94-,050 watts). Extensions —light, 69 (14,230 watts) ; heat, 35 (43,950 watts). Ranges, 24 (120,100 watts). Motors, 33 (horse-power, 198 ; 177,345 watts). Connected load for year, 504-17 kw. ; peak load for year, 442 kv.a. (10th March, 1928 ; 7-7.30 p.m.). The Okere plant has been maintained in as good a condition as circumstances and the nature of the plant permit, and it should continue to be of service for some time yet. The Diesel plant, although it has not been required for service, has been maintained in good working-order. Maintenance work has been carried out on the street-lighting and for the baths, Sanatorium, gardens, &c., and on the car and truck as required. An induction voltage-regulator was installed on the Ngongotaha Substation, and has resulted in much improved voltage-regulation, in Rotorua, and in much more uniform lighting for the consumers. As a result of the voltage being kept up our revenue will be increased by a fair percentage, and it is anticipated that this increase will more than cover the charges on the regulator. Carpentry. — A new X-ray room, with dark-room attached, has been constructed on the back veranda of the Main Bath building. Circular saws, with all necessary fittings, have been erected in the works-yard and the carpenters' shop. These have proved most useful, especially in the yard, as we are now able to cut our own firewood. At Punuiaromia a new detached room, 24 ft. by 14 ft., with a roomy front veranda has been built as an addition to the launchmaster's residence. Several of the departmental residences have been renovated, in the matter of having certain rooms repapered and interiors painted, and all buildings have been given the necessary attention as regards maintenance and painting. Acclimatization. Ranging. —The acclimatization branch of the Department's activities has been kept up to a good standard. The general ranging of the district has been effectively carried out by the rangers, and every portion of its wide area has been visited. A large number of complaints were investigated, and, where the circumstances warranted, prompt action was taken in the Magistrate's Court in the matter of prosecuting offenders. Some sixteen persons were charged with one or more offences, and nineteen convictions were obtained, resulting in the offenders being fined a total of £48, together with costs amounting to £21 Is. Deer-shooting.—The season which closed on the 26th April, 1927, was a fairly successful one from the stalkers' viewpoint. The Galatea red-deer herd produced several good fourteen-pointers, and a number of twelve-point stags were got, mostly in the bush area, and two exceptional ten-pointers were secured amongst others. Messrs. Kelly, Mappin, and McDonald's best heads were amongst the best obtained from this herd. A stag shot by Mr. Green was unique for the number of points. The Rotoiti-Okareka herd was opened again to an unlimited number of licenses, and no restriction placed on the numbers of either stags or hinds that could be shot. Owing to the heavy shooting of several seasons past, some of the licensees were unable to get even an eight-pointer stag. Those old stalkers who knew the country well, or had a guide with the necessary knowledge, and were not afraid to tackle the heavy cover, were able to get good sport, and heads which were worth while. In the outer bush areas around Rotoma Lake, Tarawera River, and Kaituna and Pokopoko Valleys, ten-, twelve-, and thirteen-point stags were shot; while a veteran sportsman, Mr. F. Mays, obtained the best fourteen-pointer taken in the Rotoehu Bush. It is of outstanding weight, spread, and symmetry. The Whakatane herd is quite a young one, but the three licensees all had no trouble in getting fair heads. At the opening of the present season this herd produced four more fine heads, a fine sixteenpointer and fourteen-pointer being shot by J. Keely, of Whakatane, while another shot by W. Gow was also above the average for this herd.