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Enclosure. An agreement made the ninth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, between His Majesty's Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs (hereinafter called the " Secretary of State ' ) of the one part, the Government of the Dominion of New Zealand (hereinafter called the " Dominion Government ") of the second part, and the Fellowship of the British Empire Exhibition (hereinafter called " the Fellowship ") of the third part. Whereas under the Empire Settlement Act, 1922, the Secretary of State may co-operate with the Government of any part of His Majesty's Dominions and with private organizations in formulating and carrying out schemes of affording assistance to persons who intend to settle in any part of His Majesty's Oversea Dominions : And whereas the Secretary of State and the Dominion Government have concluded an agreement under the said Act for providing joint assistance in respect of passages to suitable persons from Great Britain who wish to proceed to New Zealand for the purpose of permanent settlement: And whereas the parties to this agreement are desirous of carrying oxit a scheme for the provision of agricultural training at the Ruakura Farm Training College in New Zealand for not exceeding twelve youths (hereinafter called " the youths ") from the United Kingdom : And whereas the Treasury have agreed to the terms of this agreement; Now, therefore, it is agreed as follows J. The Dominion Government undertake — (a) To arrange that the youths shall be given a one-year's course of training (with maintenance) at the Ruakura Farm Training College in New Zealand at the reduced fee of thirty-six pounds : (l>) To endeavour to place the youths, 011 completion of the training, in suitable farm employment at a satisfactory wage. 2. The Fellowship undertake— (а) To arrange for the selection for participation in the said scheme of not exceeding twelve youths between the ages of sixteen and nineteen : (б) To arrange for the names of the youths after selection to be submitted for the approval of the Oversea Settlement Department acting 011 behalf of the Secretary of State : {<■) To submit applications for assisted passages for the youths to the High Commissioner for New Zealand under the Passage Agreement between the Secretary of State and the Dominion Government dated the second day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five, or any subsequent Passage Agreement between those parties : (</) To pay to or to the account of the Dominion Government, upon receipt from that Government of a certificate that a youth has sailed for New Zealand under this scheme, a sum of not exceeding forty-five pounds in respect of (i) cost of education and maintenance ; (ii) miscellaneous expenses, &c., in New Zealand : Provided that the amount paid in respect of (i) and (ii) of this clause shall not exceed thirtysix pounds and nine pounds respectively ; and the Secretary of State undertakes, upon receipt from the Fellowship of a certified copy of the said certificate and of evidence to indicate the sum paid by them to the Dominion Government,-to pay to or to the account of the Fellowship one-half of the said sum. 3. The Fellowship agree that should any refunds become due on account of youths who do not complete their training, such refund should in the first instance be paid to the Secretary of State ; and the Secretary of State undertakes as soon as possible after receipt to pay to or to the account of the Fellowship one-half of any sums so received by way of refund. 4. The Fellowship shall produce to the Secretary of State for inspection any document or accounts relating to cases in which assistance has been given under this agreement, if such documents are required to be produced to His Majesty's Comptroller and Auditor-General for audit purposes. Signed for and on behalf of ) the Secretary of State for [-■ Clarendon. Dominion Affairs. J Witness—Gerald Creasy. Signed on behalf of the Govern-^) ment of the Dominion of )> C. J. Parr, New Zealand. J High Commissioner. Witness —F. T. Sandford. Signed 011 behalf of the Fellow-"] ship of the British Empire !> Frank Fox. Exhibition. j Witness—V. C. Small.