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LEGISLATION REGARDING WIRELESS LICENSES. As mentioned in last year's report, it was necessary, owing to Magisterial decisions that failure to renew a wireless license after the 31st March of any year was not an offence under the Post and Telegraph Act, to promote legislation making it quite clear that licenses must be renewed each year. To this end two clauses included in the Post and Telegraph Amendment Act, 1.927, provided (a) that any person is liable on conviction to a fine of £500 who erects, constructs, establishes, maintains, or uses any station, plant, or apparatus capable of transmitting wireless-telegraphic communications without having obtained a license ; and (b) that any person is liable on conviction to a fine of £50 who is in possession of any apparatus capable of receiving wireless-telegraphic communications without having obtained a license. While the provision for a fine not exceeding £500 for establishing apparatus capable of transmitting signals has been retained, it was considered advisable to provide a lower penalty in the case of receiving-stations. On the other hand, owing to the difficulties attendant on the detection of unlicensed radio-stations, it has been considered necessary to widen generally the conditions or circumstances in which the possession of radio receiving-apparatus is deemed to be an offenceIt has also been provided that the occupier of any premises on which is situated any station, plant, or apparatus capable of transmitting wireless-telegraphic communications shall be deemed to have erected, constructed, established, maintained, and used such apparatus unless and until the contrary is proved. Moreover, the occupier of any premises on which is situated any apparatus capable of receiving wireless-telegraphic communications shall be. deemed to be in possession thereof unless and until the contrary is proved. It is further provided that any station, plant, or apparatus shall be deemed to be and to remain capable of transmitting or receiving wireless-telegraphic communications notwithstanding that, without having been completely dismantled, it may be temporarily incapable of doing so. UNLICENSED WIRELESS STATIONS: CONVICTIONS. It has been necessary to undertake a vigorous campaign against persons who erected wireless apparatus without obtaining licenses. Although all offenders were not prosecuted cases in which convictions were obtained numbered 200. There were 98 convictions in the Auckland Radio District, 54 in the Wellington Radio District, 37 in the Canterbury Radio District, and 11 in the Otago Radio District. The fines inflicted ranged from ss. to £4, and the total fines amounted to £339. In order to impress upon the public the serious nature of using unlicensed wireless apparatus, it will be necessary in future to press for much heavier penalties. FORM OF APPLICATION FOR RADIO LICENSE. Information regarding the date and place of birth of applicants for amateur radio receiving licenses is no longer required to be given. The information is, however, still required in respect of applications for licenses for transmitting or experimental stations. AMATEUR RECEIVING-STATIONS OPERATED BY THE BLIND. Licenses for the installation and operation of amateur radio receiving-stations in institutions for the blind have been issued free of charge since May, 1927. A similar concession is granted to any blind person who is the recognized head of a household. REVOCATION OF LICENSE. An amateur transmitting license was revoked under Regulation 82 of the Amateur Radio Regulations, on account of the use by the licensee of unauthorized wave-lengths. For refusing to allow a departmental Radio Inspector to inspect his radio receiving-apparatus, a licensee had his license revoked under Regulation 82 of the Amateur Radio Regulations. RADIO-DEALERS' LICENSES: AMENDED REGULATIONS. Amended regulations in respect of the issue of radio-dealers' licenses were made by Order in Council dated the 23rd May, 1927. The amended regulations provide for the classification of and fees for such licenses. The amended regulations also empower radio-dealers to establish and to operate, for demonstration purposes only, at the place of business mentioned in the license or at the place of residence of a licensee holding a portable license, or for a period not exceeding seven days at the premises of a prospective purchaser, or elsewhere if specially authorized by the Minister, a set of radio receiving-apparatus as if the said radio receiving-apparatus were a radio receiving-station licensed in pursuance of the Amateur Radio Regulations, 1925. RADIO-DEALERS' LICENSES: ABOLITION OF ISSUE FOR SHORT PERIODS. - The issue of radio-dealers' licenses for short, terms is abolished from the Ist April, 1928, from which date such licenses are to be issued on an annual basis covering a period ending the 31st March following the date of issue of the license. Any period of less than a month is regarded as a full month.