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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

CONTENTS. PAGE 1. Extracts from the Fifty-first Annual Report of the Minister of Education (E.-l) .. .. .. 2 2. Reports of Superintendent of Technical Education, and of the Inspectors of Technical Schools and Manual Training Centres .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 3. Tables relating to Manual and Technical Instruction :— Section A : Tables relating to Technical High Schools and Technical Day Schools (Full-time Courses) — ,'j 1, —Average Attendance Roll Numbers, and Number of Government Free-place Holders and Pupils living away from Home .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 il 2. —Classification of Pupils on the Roll at 30th June, 1927, according to Year of Attendance .. 14 .) .'J. —Classification of Pupils on the Roll at 30th June, 1927, according to Courses of Instruction 15 .1 4. —Number of Pupils who commenced their Post-primary Education in 1927, according to Age at Date of Admission .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 .1 s.—Classification of Pupils on tin; Roll at 30th June, 11)27, according to Ages .. .. l(i J 0. —Destination of Full-time Pupils who left the Technical High or Day School during or at the End of 1927 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..17 Section B: Tables relating to Technical Classes held in the Evening or in connection with Part-time Day Courses — J 7. —Classification of Students according to Occupations .. .. .. 18 J 8. —Classification of Students according to Ages .. .. .. .. .. 19 J 9.- Classification of Free Pupils according to Years of Attendance and Number of other Students in Attendance during 1927 .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 Section C: Tables relating to all Technical and Technical High and Day School Classes (Full Time, Part Time, and Evening Courses) — J 10.—Tables showing Combined Roll Numbers at Day and Evening Classes .. .. 21 J 11 (a). —Receipts by Controlling Authorities for Year ended 31st December, 1927 .. 22 Jll (6). —Payments by Controlling Authorities for Year ended 31st December, 1927 .. .. 23 Section D: Tables relating to Manual Instruction in connection with Primary Schools .1 12. —Statement of Receipts and Payments by Education Boards for Year ended 31st December, 1927, in respect of Classes for Manual Instruction and Elementary Handwork .. 24 J 13. —Some Particulars relating to Pupils attending Primary Manual-training Classes during Year ended 31st December, 1927 .. .. '.. .. .. .. ..25 Section E: General Summary relating to all Glasses (Manual and Technical) — J 14. —Some Particulars relating to Manual and Technical Instruction for Year 1927 .. 25

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