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Organizing Teacher. —Valuable work continues to be done by the organizing teacher in improving the efficiency of small country schools, which are in charge of teachers with little experience. The number of schools visited was nineteen. Conveyance and Board of Children. —The total expenditure for conveyance and board allowances was £1,589 ss. 3d. The average number of children conveyed was 261, in attendance at thirty-nine schools ; and the average number of children for whom boarding-allowance was paid was forty-three, in attendance at nineteen schools. Voluntary Contributions. —Voluntary contributions received during the year totalled £2,776 lis. Bd. The main purposes of the contributions were the improvement of buildings and grounds, the purchase of new sites and additional land, the installation of septic tanks, the purchase of pianos, gramophones and records, pictures and special equipment, and the establishment and enlargement of school libraries. In addition to the large sums raised from year to year by means of voluntary contributions, much is done by School Committees and others in the way of voluntary labour for the improvement and beautification of school-grounds. Health of Children. —Dr. Elizabeth Gunn, School Medical Officer, reports that during the year some ten thousand children were examined, as well as two hundred candidates for the teaching service. The medical inspection of the tiny tots — i.e., the two- to five-year-old children —was carried out both in Wanganui and Palmerston North. Of these 403 were examined. The practice of giving a height and weight chart to each" child, with a gold star attached to the chart of each one physically fit, has resulted in stimulating interest on the part of the parents. The seventh annual health camp was held in November and December, 112 children being in camp, In spite of very wet and cold weather the results were good, although not quite so satisfactory as in other years, when the weather was better. Every child showed improvement as the result of the camp life. To Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Lethbridge the Board again accords its grateful thanks for their generosity and assistance, and for their continued interest in the children. Without the help so willingly given by Mr. and Mrs. Lethbridge it would not be possible to hold these camps. The Board is indebted also to Dr. Elizabeth Gunn and her assistants for the manner in which they carried on the camp under somewhat trying conditions. Physical Instruction. —The Inspectors report that physical instruction on sound lines is being carried out. Manual and Technical Instruction. —Agriculture : The reports of the Department's Inspector show that the high standard, reached in former years was well maintained. The continued success of the boys' and girls' clubs is a pleasing feature. Buildings and Sites. —A new school was erected at Tunanui Road. During the year the Pohangina School was destroyed by fire. This was replaced by the removal and re-erection on the school-site of the Technical School building, which had. been closed for some years. A new building was erected at Ohakune for the accommodation of the secondary department of the District High School. The Kakaramea School was rebuilt, and at Terrace End the school was partially rebuilt in brick, and two additional class-rooms erected. Additions were made to the Kopane, Manunui, Upokongaro, and Wanganui East Schools, and remodelling-work was carried out at the Lytton Street and Manunui Schools. At the Palmerston North Central School the steel windows throughout the main building were converted to casements, in order to provide a greater degree of safety without loss of efficient ventilation ; the main building and out-offices were also provided with pitched iron roofs in place of the flat roofing with which the school was previously covered. A central heating system was installed at the Marton District High School. Additional out-offices were erected at the Wanganui East School, and septic-tank systems installed at the Kai Iwi and Waverley Schools. A residence was purchased for the accommodation of the teacher at Sanson, and improvements were carried out to the teachers' residences at Parewanui and Whenuakura. The improved facilities provided in the new workshop have been the means of reducing the cost of the manufacture of school furniture. The work can now be carried out in a more efficient and expeditious manner than was the case in the old shop, and it is possible, without undue pressure, to cope with the growing demands for furniture and equipment of various descriptions. During the year furniture to the approximate value of £1,750 was made up and supplied to schools. Finance. —The annual financial statements are submitted herewith. After allowing for liabilities and cash assets, the net credit balance at the end of the year was £1,232 Is. Id. The late Hon. D. H. Guthrie. —It is with sincere regret I have to record the death of the Hon. D. H. Guthrie, who was for many years a teacher in this district, and subsequently a member of the Board. The late Mr. Guthrie was an enthusiastic worker in the cause of education, and his kindly personality endeared him to all. General. —I desire to extend to the members of School Committees throughout the district the Board's appreciation of the valuable services so willingly given for the welfare of the schools in their charge. I would also convey to the teachers the Board's thanks for the loyal manner in which they have carried out their duties during the year. The Inspectors, as ever, have at all times given of their best, and to them, and especially to the Senior Inspector, Mr. Lambourne, I would convey the Board's appreciation of their unvarying courtesy and of their assistance and advice in many directions. The Secretary and his staff, the Architect and staff, and the Manual Instructors have the Board's hearty thanks for the efficient manner in which they have performed their duties. In conclusion, I would like to convey to the Minister and the officials of the Department my appreciation of the courteous consideration which they have invariably given to the Board's requirements. I have, &c, The Hon. the Minister of Education, Wellington. W. A. Collins, Chairman.