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No. 5. New Zealand, Dominions No. 57. Sir, —- Downing Street, 21st January, 1927. With reference to my despatch, No. 265, of the 31st December, 1926, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, for the information of your Ministers, the accompanying copies of an extract from the London Gazette of the 11th January, containing a notice relating to the appointment of the Hon. C. V. Massey as His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington to represent the interests of the Dominion of Canada. I have, &c., L. S. AMERY. Governor-General His Excellency General Sir C. Fergusson, Bart.. LL.D., G.C.M.G., K.C.8., D.5.0., M.V.0., &c.

Enclosure. [Extract from the London Gazette dated 11th January, 1927.] Foreign Office, 7th December, 1926. The King has been graciously pleased to appoint the Honourable Charles Vincent Massey to be His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington, with the especial object of representing in the United States of America the interests of the Dominion of Canada.

No. 6. New Zealand, Dominions No. 61. Sir, — Downing Street, 21st January, 1927. With reference to my despatch, Dominions No. 511, of the 10th November, 1926, regarding the proposed Imperial Agricultural Research Conference, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, to be laid before your Ministers, a copy of the resolution on the subject adopted by the Imperial Conference. 2. The following further recommendations on the subject were made by the Research Special Sub-Committee of the Imperial Conference " That the Conference should open on Tuesday, the 4th October, 1927 ; that Governments should be at liberty to send persons of outstanding position in agricultural research as well as Government employees ; that the main purpose of the Conference should be to work out methods of co-operation in the various branches of agricultural research (including farm economics) ; that Governments participating should be invited to prepare preliminary statements of facts and figures bearing on the special problems in which they were interested ; that the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in London should be responsible for organizing the Conference on the lines previously arranged." 3. The Minister of Agriculture has accepted these recommendations, and is taking the initiative in making the necessary arrangements for the Imperial Agricultural Research Conference ; an organizing committee is being set up accordingly for the purpose. 4. With reference to your despatch, No. 21, of the 28th January, 1926, I should be glad to be informed as soon as possible of the names of the delegate or delegates appointed to attend the Conference, and, in so far as they are scientific workers, the particular sciences which they represent. It would also be of assistance if your Government would state any special administrative or technical subjects which they desire to have discussed, though it will no doubt be borne in mind that the technical discussions of the Conference will necessarily be largely limited by the extent to which the different branches of agricultural science are represented. In this connection reference is invited to the recommendation of the Research Special SubCommittee of the Imperial Conference (set out in paragraph 2 above) regarding the preparation of preliminary statements of facts and figures. I have, &c., L. S. AMERY. Governor-General His Excellency General Sir C. Fergusson, Bart., LL.D., G.C.M.G., K.C.8., D.5.0., M.V.0., &c.