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Comparison of Expenditure. It is interesting to note how money raised under the Act or provided from other sources has been expended. It will be seen that the cost of administration has been reduced to a very small proportion of the total expenditure.

APPENDIX B. Report of the Scenery Preservation Board. The Scenery Preservation Board comprises the following members : Messrs. W. T. Neill (SurveyorGeneral), Chairman; B. M. Wilson (General Manager, Tourist and Health Resorts); Chief Judge R.N. Jones, 0.8. R. (Under-Secretary, Native Department); and the Commissioner of Crown Lands for the district within which the lands being dealt with are situated. Meetings were held in the office of the Surveyor-General, Wellington, on the 12th May, .1927 (Canterbury and Auckland); 13th May, 1927 (Westland); 11th July, 1927 (North Auckland and Wellington) ; 19th August, 1927 (Wellington and Marlborough) ; 14th October, 1927 (Auckland, Gisborne, and Southland) ; and 22nd February, 1928 (Marlborough). Fifteen recommendations were submitted by the Board to His Excellency the Governor-General lor the acquisition and reservation of areas of scenic and historic interest throughout the Dominion under the Scenery Preservation Act. W. T. Neill, Chairman.

APPENDIX C. Kapiti Island. I append hereto extract from the caretaker's report on the operations in connection with Kapiti Island for the year ended 31st March, 1928. Mr. Wilkinson is profoundly versed in matters relating to the flora and fauna of New Zealand, and his wide knowledge is of immense value in the administration of this island sanctuary which is his immediate care. I desire to again record my high appreciation of the efficient manner in which he carries out his duties. H. "W. C. Mackintosh, Commissioner of Crown Lands.


Year. ' OomwiM*laii Fencing and Surveys Board's gtfai,,. Total, tor Land. Maintenance. Valuations, &c. Expenses. £ £ £ £ £ £ 1904-5 .. .. 216 Nil 52 1,822 * 2,090 1905-6 .. .. 3,336 „ 527 1,221 * 5,084 1906-7 .. .. 7,856 304 801 185 * 9,146 1907-8 .. .. 4,286 382 555 86 175 5,484 1908-9 .. .. 3,813 1,063 540 24 325 5,765 1909-10.. .. 1,688 1,159 2,603 Nil 325 5,775 1910-11 .. .. 1,066 685 1,643 11 325 3,730 1911-12.. .. 2,61.9 715 2,237 22 345 5,938 1912-13.. .. 12,997 798 2,697 6 345 16,843 1913-14.. .. 1.0,467 627 1,547 3 365 13,009 1914-15 .. .. 6,253 758 476 12 388 7,887 1915-16 .. .. 1,530 698 104 6 390 2,728 1916-17 .. .. 252 836 76 1 390 1,555 1917-18 .. .. 428 602 114 3 390 1,537 1918-19 .. .. 1,295 l,964t 49 1 280 3,589 1919-20 .. .. 510 188 12 .. 40 750 1920-2.1 .. .. 3,031 471 299 .. 25 2,825 1921-22 .. .. 57,768 227 224 .. 25 58.244 1922-23.. .. 6,306 377 290 .. 25 6,998 1923-24.. 1,488 118 1,589 .. 25 3,210 1924-25.. .. 1,158 1,565 240 .. 18 2,981 1925-26.. .. 17,923 2,310 305 9 .. 20,547 1926-27.. .. 2,617 1,182 75 17 .. 3,891 1927-28.. .. 5,182 1,342 58 17 .. 6,599 I I , Salaries. £ * * * 175 325 325 325 345 345 365 388 390 390 390 280 40 25 25 25 25 18 Total. £ 2,090 5,084 9,146 5,484 5,765 5,775 3,730 5,938 16,843 13,009 7,887 2,728 1,555 1,537 3,589 750 2,825 58.244 6,998 3,210 2,981 20,547 3,891 6,599 Grand total .. .. .. .. .. .. 196,205 Grand total 196,205 * Included in Board's expenses. y Includes £1,750 paid to Summit Road Scenic Reserve Board. It must be noted that the above expenditure does not include expenses of raising loans and recoupment of interest, &c.