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Town Board, all of whom were interested in the reservation of the mountain area. It is proposed, by arrangement with the local bodies named, to vest control of the reserve in the Matamata County Council, pursuant to the provisions of section 13 of the Scenery Preservation Act. 1908. and arrangements will also be made for the appointment of honorary inspectors to assist in the safeguarding of the reserve. In the Gisbornc Land District an area of 4 acres 1 rood 20 perches of closed road near the mouth of the Motu River was declared Crown land and reserved under the Scenery Preservation Act. Other reservations in this district included 118 acres in the Putere Block, 548 acres on the Papamoa Hill, and a small area on the Waikohu River. Numerous reservations were made during the year in the Marlborough District. These comprised additions to the Tennyson Inlet, Kaipupu, Hundalee, and Pelorus Bridge Reserves, while a good many new areas in the Sounds were set aside. The Department has for some years been endeavouring to foster the regeneration of the native bush on suitable areas in the Sounds, and in pursuance of this policy the reservation of the lands concerned as scenic areas has been receiving close attention. Steps have also been taken to effect the acclimatization of pohutukawa-trees on various islands, fcs., and a considerable amount of successful work has been accomplished in that direction. In the Westland District an area of 20 acres of splendid native bush in the Poerua Settlement was proclaimed under the Scenery Preservation Act, while areas totalling 3,330 acres at the Saltwater Lagoon were also set aside. The Saltwater Lagoon is a noted beauty-spot of South Westland, and although at the present time it is difficult of access there is no doubt that in the future its exceptional scenic qualities will be fully appreciated. An area of 370 acres of Public Reserve 386, Arthur's Pass, Canterbury, was set apart under the Scenery Preservation Act in order that more effective steps might be taken to adequately preserve the beautiful alpine flora of the locality. In the Southland District an area of 87 acres near Tuatapere was permanently set aside as a scenic reserve during the year. The land contains some very fine bush, and is held in high regard as a beauty-spot by the residents of the district. In four cases it was necessary to revoke the reservation over small areas, which for various reasons were no longer suitable for retention as scenic areas. The total area concerned was 55 acres. In addition to the above a scenic reserve of 587 acres was vested in the Wellington City Council pursuant to the provisions of the Wellington City and Suburban Water-supply Act, 1927. The land is to be held for the purposes set forth in the Act mentioned, and it is provided that the bush on the reserve is to be preserved. The total number of scenic reservations in the Dominion now stands at 806, covering a total area, of over 464,000 acres. Supervision of Reserves. During the year special Scenic Boards were appointed or reappointed as follows : The Whangarei County Council, to control the Coronation Reserve ; Whangaroa County Council, to control the Ranfurly Bay Reserve ; Waipukurau Borough Council, to control the Tukituki River Reserve ; Levin Borough Council, to control the Waiopehu Reserve ; Upper Hutt Borough Council, to control the Upper Hutt Blockhouse Reserve ; Wanganui City Council, to control the Gordon Park Reserve ; Invercargill Borough Council, to control the Waihopai River Reserve; and the Katikati Hot Springs, New Plymouth, Huatoki, Everett Road, Hundalee, Summit Road, Orari Gorge, and Tuatapere Scenic Boards, to control their respective reserves. Two warrants were issued placing additional areas under the control of the Hundalee and Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserves Boards respectively. Appointments of honorary inspectors were made as follows : Mr. A. Butterworth, for the Kirk's Bush Reserve ; Mr. J. Cantrick, for the Lake Kanieri Reserve ; Mr. N. Peat, for Scenic Reserve 807, Brunner Survey District; Mi. 0. G. Parr, for the Rainclin' Bush Reserve; and Mr. U. F. Jaquiery, lor all scenic reserves in and adjacent to Stewart Island. At the present time some twenty-six reserves are controlled by local authorities appointed under the provisions of section 13 of the Act, while twenty-one reserves are under the management of special Boards of private persons similarly appointed. The system of delegating powers of control and management is giving very good results, and the Department is anxious to arrange for the setting-up of further Boards, as it is recognized that such appointments are a valuable means of enlisting the active support and sympathy of lovers of scenic beauty throughout the Dominion. The work of the honorary inspectors has also proved exceedingly valuable, and thanks are due to these gentlemen, as well as to the various Scenic Boards, for the keen interest displayed in the safeguarding and proper control of numerous reserves. A good deal of general inspection work has been carried out during the year by officers of the Department, and numerous special reports have been furnished on various areas. The periodical inspection of all reserves which are not controlled by special Boards, or in respect of which no honorary inspectors have been appointed, is recognized as very necessary, and endeavours are being made to have all such reserves visited at least once a year. Damage to Reserves, etc. Owing to the unusually dry summer experienced in the Nelson District there were a, number of cases of tires in scenic reserves. Four of these attained serious dimensions and were subdued with difficulty. The first fire reported was in the vicinity of Tophouse, and had evidently travelled a considerable distance before a strong northerly wind. There appeared to be every likelihood of the fire devastating