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APPENDIX B. REPORTS RELATING TO THE INSPECTION OF COAL-MINES. The Inspecting Eng-inebk and Chief Insmctor or Coal-mines to the Under-Secretary of Minus. Sir — Wellington, sth July, 1928. I have the honour to present my annual report, together with statistical information, in regard to coal-mines of the Dominion for the year ended 31st December, 1927, in accordance with section 42 of the Coal-mines Act, 1925. The report is divided into the following sections : — I. Output. 11. Persons employed. 111. Accidents. IV. Working of the Coal-mines Act— (a) Permitted Explosives: (/)) List of Mines required by Law to use Permitted Explosives, (c) List of Mines required by Law to use Safety-lamps, (ii) Dangerous Occurrences, (c) Electricity at Collieries. (/) Prosecutions. V. Legislation affecting Coal-mining. Annexures — A. Summary of Annual Reports by Inspectors of Mines. B. Colliery Statistics. SECTION I.—OUTPUT. The output of the several classes of coal mined in each inspection district is summarized as follows :—

The following is a table showing the annual production of coal and the quantity of coal imported since 19.11 :—

5—C. 2.

Class of Coal. Northern District (North Istind). I Tons. Bituminous and sub-bituminous 172,348 Brown 575,182 Lignite West Coast District (South Island). Output of Coal during 1927. Southern District (South Island). Tona. 34U462 121,557 Totals. Tons. 1,290,529 954,436 121,775 i Total Output to the End of 1927. Tons. 1,118,181 37,792 218 Tons. 40,470,314 21,761,713 4,094,055 Totals for 1927 747,530 1,156,191 463,019 | 2,366,740 66,326,082 Totals for 1926 653,849 1,122,176 463,974 I 2,239,999 63,959,342

Year. Coal produced. Total Quantity of Coal imported. Coal produced and imported. Year.' Coal produced. Coal imported. Total Quantity of Coal produced and imported. 1911 .. 1912 .. 1913 .. 1914 .. 1915 .. 1916 .. 1917 .. 1918 .. 1919 .. Tons. 2,066.073 2,177,615 1,888,005 2,275,614* 2,208,624 2,257,135 2,068,419 2,034,250 1,847,848 Tona. Tons. 188,068 i 2,254,141 364,359 2,541,974 468,940 2,356,945 518,070 :. 2,793,684* 353,471 2,562,095 293,956 j 2,551,091 291,597 ! 2,360,010 255,332 "' 2,289,582 391.434 j 2,239,282 1920 .. 1.921 .. 1922 .. 1923 . . 1924 .. 1925 .. 1926 .. 1927 . . Tons. 1,843,705 1,809,095 1,857,819 1,969,834 2,083,207 2,114,995 2,239,999 2,366,740 Tons. 476,343 822,459 501,478 445,792 674,483 572,573 483,918 378,090 Tons. 2,320,048 2,631,554 2,359,297 2,415,626 2,757,690 2,887,568 2,723,917 2,744,830 I l_ * Includes II tons shale.