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Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.


Particulars of Security. . , , ,, ! . , . ,, _ Amount held Purchaged or Sold> ! Amount held ! of SI st March issued in renewed, or o 1a^JLu Nature of Security. j ® S 1927, ' renewal - redeemed. I Mm WESTPORT HARBOUR ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. "/££££ Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1921 1/12/29 4 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Loans Act, 1919, sec. 4 1/9/27 41- 10,000 .. 10,000 „ 1/9/31 4| .. 10,000 .. 10",000 Education Purposes Loan Act, 1919 .. .. 1/1/29 4J 10,000 .. 5,000 5,000 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance 1/8/28 4J 26,000 .. 26,000 Act, 1920, see. 16 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. .. 1/8/28 4f .. 26,000 .. 26,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers 1/6/29 4J 10,000 .. 10,000 Branch) Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement and 1/2/30 4 1 0,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 Finance Act, 1922, sec. 16 66,000 51,000 61,000 56,000 WORKING RAILWAYS ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 1/7/27 4 100,000 .. 100,000 1/2/33 4 .. 100,000 100,000 Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act ,1915, and Finance 1/3/29 4J 170,000 .. .. 170,000 Act, 1917, sec. 82 Education Purposes Loans Act, 1919 .. .. 1/1/31 4| .. 50,000 .. 50,000 Finance Act, 1918 (No. 2), sec. 31 (Discharged Soldiers 1/3/30 4 50,000 50,000 100,000 Settlement) Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. .. 1/8/28 4J .. 5,000 .. 5,000 Housing Act, 1919, sec. 30 .. .. .. 1/7/30 4| .. 25,000 .. 25,000 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. 1/4/29 4|- .. 40,000 .. 40,000 N.Z. State-guaranteed Advances Acts, 1909-10 (Land 1/1/29 4 55,000 .. 55,000 for Settlements Branch) Rangitaiki Land Drainage Amendment Act, 1913, j 1/12/29 4} .. 11,000 .. 11,000 and Finance Act, 1921-22, sec. 23 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers j 1/6/29 4J 125,000 .. 50,000 75,000 Branch) Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers Improvement Act, | 1/8/30 4f .. 19,000 .. 19,000 1910, and Finance Act, 1919, sec. 6 500,000 300,000 | 405,000 395,000 SECURITIES NOT INCLUDED IN INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS.—MISCELLANEOUS. Held in New Zealand. Local Authorities' 1 Securities. Hutt Road Act, 1915 — Boroughs— Eastbourne .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 300 .. .. 300 Lower Hutt .. .. .. .. j 1/4/66 4 8,400 .. J .. 8,400 Miramar .. .. .. .. .. j 1/4/66 4 I 150 .. j .. 150 Onslow .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 3,600 .. .. ! 3,600 Petone .. .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 10,800 .. .. 10,800 City of Wellington .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 22,800 .. .. 22,800 Counties — Hutt .. .. .. .. .. | 1/4/66 4 | 4,800 .. .. 4,800 Makara .. .. .. .. I /4/66 4 1 7,200 .. .. 7,200 Town Boards — Johnsonville .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 ! 1,200 .. .. 1,200 Upper Hutt .. .. .. .. 1/4/66 4 750 .. : .. 750 j ! 60,000 .. | .. 60,000 Other Securities. Deed of agreement for purchase of Horahora Electric- .. i .. 212,500 .. .. 212,500 power Works by Government Hansford Mills Construction Co., Ltd. (Kairuru .. .. 6,185 .. 6,185 Marble Co., Ltd.) mortgage-deed Ferngrove Sawmilling Co. —Instrument by way of .. 5 500 .. ! 500 security Carried forward ., ,, .. j 279,185 ,. [ 6,685 j 272,500