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Public Securities held by the Treasury—continued.


_J. Part.ou.arao, Security. I | Amount he.i o® qi«t iramh issued in renewed, or i a-JKJJ*. Nature ot Security. I || m? ' ™™' re ' leemed - I "UK"* 1 I I && BANK OF NEW ZEALAND SHARES ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. Bank of New Zealand Shares. Preference A shares— ! % £ £ £ £ 500,000 £1 .. .. .. .. .. | .. .. 500,000 .. .. 500,000 Preference B shares— 625,000 £1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 625,000! .. .. 625,000a 750,000 £1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 750,000 j .. .. 750,000 234,375 £1 C long-term mortgage shares (15s. paid) .. .. 58,594 j 117,187 .. 175,781 , : 1 1,933,594 117,187 .. ! 2,050,7816 1 . a Cost price £375,000. b Cost price £1,800,781 5s. CHEVIOT ESTATE ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1903 1/1/29 4J 600 .. .. 600 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1905 1/1/31 4 1,210 .. .. 1,210 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1906 1/1/29 4£ 600 .. .. 600 Finance Act, 1916, sec. 50, and Finance Act, 1920, 1/8/28 4£ 8,000 .. .. 8,000 sec. 60 (State Forests) Finance Act, 1925, sec. 4 (Samoan Loan) .. .. 1/4/29 5 8,000 .. .. 8,000 Fishing Industry Promotion Act, 1919 .. .. 1/12/28 4J 1,035 .. .. 1,035 Forests Act, 1921-22 .. .. .. .. 1/8/28 4J 6,000 .. .. 6,000 Fruit-preserving Industry Act, 1913, and Finance 1/4/30 4 1,740 .. .. 1,740 Act, 1917, sec. 80 Government Railways Amendment Act, 1910 .. 1/1/29 44 1,160 .. .. 1,160 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance 1/8/28 4| 3,000 .. 3,000 Act, 1920, sec. 16 Hauraki Plains Amendment Act, 1913, and Finance 1/8/28 44 8,500 .. 8,500 Act, 1922, sec. 17 Hauraki Plains Act, 1926 .. .. .. 1/8/28 4J .. 11,500 .. 11,500 Housing Act, 1919, sec. 30 .. .. .. 1/7/30 44 2,400 .. 100 2,300 Housing Act, 1919, sec. 46 .. .. .. 1/1/31 4 825 .. .. 825 Immigration and Public Works Loan Act, 1870 .. 1/2/30 4 4,900 .. j .. 4,900 Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914 .. 1/5/30 4 2,650 .. .. 2,650 Kauri-gum Industry Amendment Act, 1914, and 1/5/30 44 10,500 .. .. 10,500 Appropriation Act, 1918, sec. 45 Maori Land Settlement Act, 1905 .. .. 1/2/30 4 800 .. .. 800 Mining Amendment Act, 1913, and Amendment Act, 1/5/28 44 3,960 .. .. 3,960 1919 Ditto .. .. .. .. •• 1/5/31 44 2,000 .. .. 2,000 Native Land Amendment Act, 1913 .. .. 1/4/29 44 10,000 20,000 .. 30,000 N.Z. Inscribed Stock Act, 1917— Finance Act, 1919, sec. 5 (Public Works) .. 15/7/30 5 1,900 .. .. 1,900 Railways Improvement Authorization Act, 1914 15/7/30 5 3,000 .. .. 3,000 State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Settlers 1/2/36 54 .. 800 .. 800 Branch) N.Z. State-guaranteed Advances Act, 1909 (Land for 1/4/49 3j 50,000 .. .. 50,000 Settlements Branch) State Advances Act, 1913 (Advances to Workers 1/6/29 44 10,000 10,000 20,000 Branch) Swamp Drainage Act, 1915, and Appropriation Act, 1/5/28 44 5,000 .. .. 5,000 1918, sec. 46 Ditto .. .. .. .. .. 1/5/29 4 2,000 .. .. 2,000 1/5/29 44 10,000 .. .. 10,000 159,780 42,300 31,600 170,480 Transfers to other accounts within the Public Various 4 .. 7,000 7,000 Account under sec. 40, Public Revenues Act, 1926" 159,780 49,300 38,600 170,480 Samoan Securities. Advances to Samoa in terms of Finance Act, 1926, Various 4 .. 20,200 .. 20,200 sec. -1 1 — 159,780 69,500 . 38,600 190,680 * No actual securities are held in respect of these transfers, repayment being secured solely by the terms of section 40 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926. t No actual securities are held in respect of these advances, repayment* being secured by the terms of section 33 of the Samoa Act, 1921. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS SETTLEMENT ACCOUNT. Held in New Zealand. New Zealand Government Securities. Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1902 1/12/30 4 .. 1,700 .. 1,700 Aid to Public Works and Land Settlement Act, 1907 1/7/27 4 35,000 .. 35,000 1/2/33 4 .. 35,000 35,000 15/8/33 5J .. 41,000 .. 41,000 Carried forward .. .. .. .. .. 35,000 77,700 70,000 42,700