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DEFENCE DEPARTMENT—continued. Territorial Forces Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1927. Dr. £ s. d. Or. £ s. d. To Pay, military, civil, and Territorial.. .. .. 87,110 811 By Rent of drill-halls .. .. 716 3 6 Clothing, stores, and ammunition .. .. .. 62,298 0 2 Grazing rights on rifle ranges and Medical examinations, attendance, and hospital charges 1,121 910 j reserves .. .. .. 478 11 10 Grants for rifle shooting .. .. .. .. 44 0 0 Excess of expenditure over income .. 213,017 18 5 Advertising, printing, stationery, postages, telegrams, telephones, repairs, cleaning and laundering . . 4,152 4 5 Maintenance and hire of drill-halls, offices, buildings, parade-grounds, boat-sheds, launches, camps, and departmental rental value of buildings occupied .. 12,454 8 9 Maintenance of rifle ranges and targets .. .. 4 6 9 Rations, forage, fuel, light, and water .. . . 18,682 12 6 Regimental and bands funds grants .. .. 2,702 2 1 Subsidies to officers' clubs . . .. .. 269 7 6 Travelling allowances and expenses, rail, steamer, tram, coach, and ferry fares, freights and cartage .. 21,421 18 11 Hire and maintenance of horses .. .. .. 3,420 1 4 Use of Defence vessel towing targets, &c. .. .. 306 15 0 Maintenance of wireless installations .. .. 37 4 10 Fees for technical training in cookery .. .. 115 0 Depreciation on— £ s. d. Furniture .. .. .. .. 120 8 2 Wireless installations .. .. 55 19 7 — 176 7 0 £214,212 13 9 1 £214,212 13 9 Cadet Forces Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1927. Dr. £ s. d | Cr. £ s. d To Pay, military, civil, and Territorial.. .. 37,259 6 8 i By Rent of drill-halls .. .. 570 9 2 Clothing, stores, and ammunition .. .. .. 27,583 2 10 ! Grazing rights on rifle ranges and Medical examinations, attendance, and hospital charges 35 19 6 j reserves .. .. .. 455 12 11 Grants for rifle shooting .. .. .. .. 15 19 1 I Excess of expenditure over income .. 86,763 1 1 Advertising, printing, stationery, postages, telegrams, telephones, repairs, cleaning and laundering .. 2,724 11 6 Maintenance and hire of drill-halls, buildings, offices, parade-grounds, boat-sheds, launches, camps, and departmental rental value of buildings occupied .. 6,928 13 9 j Maintenance of rifle ranges and targets .. .. 20 7 8 Rations, forage, fuel, light, and water .. .. 4,510 16 8 Regimental and bands funds grants .. .. 998 6 7 Subsidies to officers' clubs .. .. . . 269 7 6 Travelling allowances and expenses, rail, steamer, tram, coach, and ferry fares, freight and cartage .. 7,156 5 5 Horse-hire and maintenance of horses .. .. 27 11 2 Depreciation on furniture .. .. .. 258 14 10 £87,789 3 2 £87,789 3 2 Army Ordnance Stores Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1927. Dr. £ s. d. I Cr. £ s. d. To Pay, military, and civil .. .. .. .. 39,041 1 6j By Hire of stores .. .. .. 730 9 6 Medical examinations, attendance, and hospital charges 34 11 0 | Excess of expenditure over income, Advertising, printing, stationery, postages, repairs, i carried down .. .. .. 52,680 10 6 cleaning and laundering .. .. .. 3,31311 0 Departmental rental value of buildings occupied .. 3,563 9 6 Rations, forage, fuel, light, and water .. .. 762 17 7 Maintenance and hire of horses .. .. .. 10 2 0 Travelling allowances and expenses, fares, freights and cartage .. .. .. .. .. 4,708 15 11 ! Clothing, stores, and ammunition consumed .. 1,722 15 10 Depreciation on furniture .. .. .. 253 15 8 £53,411 0 0 | £53,411 0 0 £ s. d. | £ s. d. To Balance brought down .. .. .. .. 52,680 10 6 j By Excess of expenditure over income Interest on capital, £2,119,676 15s. lid. at 4f per cent. 95,385 9 1 I after charging interest ~ .. 148,065 19 7 £148,065 19 7 ! £148,065 19 7 " Janie Seddon " Launch Revenue Account for the Year ended 31st March, 1927. Dr. £ s. d. | Or. £ s. d. To Pay of crew (including overtime) .. .. .. 1,710 112 By Hire of vessel .. .. .. 2,805 9 0 Deck, engine-room, and miscellaneous stores .. 162 12 7 Towing targets and transporting TerriFuel and water .. .. .. .. .. 415 18 1 torials .. .. .. .. 309 0 0 Maintenance, repairs, slip dues, &e. .. .. 342 6 2 License fees .. .. .. .. .. 41 0 0 Depreciation on vessel .. .. .. .. 223 9 6 Balance carried down .. .. .. .. 218 116 £3,114 9 0 £3,114 9 0 £ s. d. £ a. d. To Interest on capital £3,724 lis. lOd. at 4J per cent. .. 167 12 1 By Balance brought down .. .. 218 11 6 Excess of income over expenditure after charging interest on capital .. .. .. .. 50 19 5 £218 11 6 £218 11 6

2—B. 1 [PT. IY, SUP.] ,