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Figures relating to Work accomplished. The following summary serves to indicate the extent of work accomplished during the year:— Schools inspected— Of roll under 100 .. .. •• •• •• 1,184 Of roll 100 to 500 .. .. .. .. .. 349 Of roll 500 and over . . . . .. . . . - 161 1,694 Children examined — Complete examinations .. .. .. .. 66,285 ~,j Partial examinations .. .. .. .. .. 51,828 118,113 Notifications sent to parents relating to defects requiring treatment .. 38,612 Health talks given to school-children .. .. .. .. 1,127 Parents interviewed .. . . .. .. . . 9,651 Public lectures and addresses to parents .. . . .. .. 81 The figures for the work of the school nurses are as follows : — Number of days assisted Medical Officer in schools .. .. .. 1,761 Number of days engaged wholly in clerical work .. .. .. 1,506 Number of children examined for medical schedule .. .. .. 82,371 Number of children re-examined after inspection of Medical Officer .. 33,324 Number of visits to homes in— Large towns .. . . .. . . . . 6,451 Small country towns . . .. . . .. .. 2,285 Scattered districts .. .. .. .. .. 2,115 10,851 Number of children taken personally to hospitals . . .. .. 368 Number of children taken personally to dental clinic .. .. .. 668 Findings of Medical Inspection. Total number of children examined 66,285 Mouth, teeth—continued. Percentage found to have no defects 10-8 Fillings .. .. 21-63 Percentage with defects other than Perfect sets of teeth . . .. 4-86 dental .. .. .. 61-24 Nose and throat — Percentage showing evidence of— Enlarged tonsils and adenoids .. 20-17 Subnormal nutrition .. .. 7-45 Obstructed nasal breathing .. 2-92 Pediculosis . . .. .. 1-88 Enlarged glands .. . . . . 14-0 Uncleanliness .. .. .. 2-14 Goitre— Skin — All degrees . . - .. . . 21-72 Impetigo .. .. .. 1-52 Incipient .. .. . . 17-37 Scabies .. .. .. 1-18 Small .. .. .. .. 3-79 Ringworm .. .. .. 0-14 Medium . . .. .. 0-5 Other skin-diseases .. .. 0-85 Large .. .. .. .. 0-06 Heart-abnormality .. .. 0-96 Eye — Respiratory diseases .. .. 0-42 External eye-disease .. . . I*7l Total deformities of trunk and chest 20-21 Vision — Postural .. .. .. 8-11 Total .. .. .. 3-14 Flat chest .. .. .. 0-65 Corrected .. .. .. 1-71 Spinal curvature .. .. 0-70 Uncorrected . . .. . , 1-43 Pigeon breast .. .. .. 4-46 Ear — Depressed ribs .. .. . . 2-64 Otorrhoea .. . . . . 0-32 Depressed sternum .. .. 2-95 Defective hearing .. 0-44 Other deformities .. .. -. 0-70 Defective speech .. .. . . 0-53 Deformity of jaw and palate .. 8-89 Mental— Mouth, teeth — Feeble-mindedness .. .. 0-36 Dental caries .. .. .. 63-24 Epilepsy .. .. .. 0-03 Extraction of permanent teeth .. 7-08 i Tuberculosis .. .. .. 0-02 The percentage of defects noted differs very little from that in previous years, the general tendency, however, being to show a slight decrease. Much that has been said in past reports is again applicable. It is satisfactory to note, however, that the above figures indicate not only an increase in the amount of work actually accomplished, but also an added interest on the part of the public in the work of the service. School Medical Officers last year, for instance, personally interviewed 9,651 parents, and gave eighty-one public addresses and lectures. School nurses paid 10,851 visits to homes. The weekly health articles contributed to the press by officers of the Department were no doubt partly responsible also for added popular interest in health matters. One very satisfactory feature of the year's work has been the increased attention paid to notifications sent to parents relating to defects requiring treatment. This is, in part, the natural outcome of the closer association between parents and School Medical Officers above noted, but is also largely due to hard work on the part of the school nurses, Great credit is due to the tact and energy of the poKnol nursing service.