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Canterbury District: The contract entered into for the provision of a surrounding wall and a central monument in the old French Mission burial-ground at Akaroa was completed, and an unveiling ceremony held on the 25th September, 1926, the Government being represented by the Hon. G. J. Anderson. Annual Grants. —The usual arrangements for annual grants were made. Great-War Graves in New< Zealand. —During the year an additional 110 war graves were accepted, bringing the total war graves to date up to 2,108, which includes eleven men of the Samoan Relief Force buried in Apia Cemetery, Samoa. The number of headstones ordered was 144. The headstone contractors have completed to date 1,478 headstones, all of which have been erected. Temporary crosses to mark the graves until such time as permanent work can be undertaken were placed on 116 war graves. Arrangements were completed for the provision of Soldiers' Cemeteries at Blenheim, Palmerston North, and Christchurch, while the Wellington City Council agreed to set aside an additional area at Karori as an extension to the existing soldiers' block. Boer War, 1899-1902. —An agreement was entered into with the South African Veterans' Association for the acceptance of all graves of ex-contingenters as war graves, where death took place on or before the end of 1902. It was also agreed that if found possible the scattered graves in South Africa should be concentrated into a special New Zealand Cemetery in that country, and permanent work carried out much on the lines of the Great-War cemeteries. This matter is now in the hands of the Imperial War Graves Commission for report. Great-War Graves abroad. —Progress reports received from the Imperial War Graves Commission show that excellent progress has been made in completing permanent work, including the erection of military headstones on war graves in the various theatres of war and at the bases. Cemetery registers containing regimental and family particulars of those buried in the various cemeteries, which are sold at wholesale cost, were distributed to 1,746 next-of-kin. With respect to the free distribution of photographs of overseas war graves, 1,961 were dealt with. Publicity Office. The past year has been notable for a very large increase in the usual activities of the office. In addition many important events have occurred, the principal of these being the visit of their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York, during which opportunity was taken to obtain a film and photographic record of the tour. The film was released in six sections throughout New Zealand, Australia, and England. A complete copy was also sent to the " Renown," and it is anticipated that a special copy will be sent to England for presentation to His Majesty the King. A further copy is being stored in the vault of the Publicity Office for future reference. Photographs of the tour were distributed in album form and for reproduction purposes. The office also produced and issued a souvenir book of the Royal visit. A plentiful supply of booklets and photographs was placed on boa.rd H.M.S. " Renown " (the warship that conveyed the Royal visitors) for the information of the officers and men. From a publicity point of view the visits of the cruise-ships R.M.S. " Carinthia " and R.M.S. " Franconia "in January and March, 1927, respectively were taken full advantage of. Photographs and booklets were placed on board, and were greatly appreciated by the passengers. An officer of the Department met the latter ship in Auckland and travelled to Wellington, showing films and lecturing to the passengers. Several smaller conducted-tour parties of American tourists also visited New Zealand during the year. It is pleasing to note that as a result of the overseas publicity campaign the tourists visiting New Zealand have increased in numbers from seven thousand in 1925 to ten thousand in 1927. Cinematograph Branch. —This branch has concentrated mainly on the production of the weekly programmes of film for release in New Zealand, Australia, and England. To date some seven hundred pictures have been released, comprising approximately half a million feet of film. These weekly programmes comprise films of scenic, fishing, and industrial (both primary and secondary) subjects, and cover the Dominion from the North Cape to Stewart Island. Apart from the weekly releases, the office issued a special film depicting swordfishing in New Zealand. This film was sold for the New Zealand circuit at a remunerative price. During the year negotiations were completed for the showing of New Zealand films in America and Canada, and the first picture is now in course of preparation. This picture will include brief scenes depicting the variety of New Zealand's natural attractions, but concentrating mainly on the southern fiords and the native bush of the Dominion. Unfortunately a fire occurred during the year in the laboratory where the Department's film work is carried on, and a small amount of Government property was destroyed. The continuity of the work was not interfered with to any great extent, but it was found necessary to make arrangements for the business to be carried on in other premises. At the close of the year tenders were being called for the execution of the work of" this branch, under a five-years contract. Photographic Branch. —Special attention in this branch has been paid to the development of the colour department, and excellent work is now being produced both in whole-plate prints and enlargements. Experiments have been made in colour albums which have proved entirely satisfactory. An extensive campaign was made in the distribution of coloured enlargements in hotels, clubs, &c., in Australia, and some five hundred photographs were thus treated. In addition there was the usual distribution through shipping and railway companies and throughout the rest of the world. The office is continuing to send enlargements to the High Commissioner for distribution throughout the schools in Great Britain. A highly decorative photographic album was prepared for presentation to Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York. Lantern-slides and whole-plate photographs continue to be sent overseas by every mail.