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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Leave.

Sir, — Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, sth July, 1927. I have the honour to submit herewith the annual report of the Department for the year ended 31st March, 1927. I have, &c., J. Hi,slop, Under-Secretary. The Hon. R. F. Bollard, Minister of Internal Affairs.

REPORT. Local Government. The year was one of considerable activity in connection with local government. Many new problems presented themselves, and, combined with the usual activities incidental to local government, made the period one of the most strenuous for several years. Counties. —No new counties were constituted, but the boundaries were altered between the Counties of Waimea and Sounds, Otorohanga and Waitomo, Oroua and Kiwitea, Pahiatua and Woodville, and Taumarunui and Ohura ; whilst the boundaries of the Eden, Featherston, Ohinemuri, Tauranga, Waitomo, Waitotara, and Wanganui Counties were affected by the alteration of borough boundaries. The Counties Act has been suspended in the Peninsula County for many years. An important move was the issue of a Proclamation bringing the Act into force in that county. Action was subsequently taken to re-divide the county into ridings and elect a County Council. There have been for some years past four Road Boards operating in the county, but through the bringing of the Act into force it is probable that these Road Boards will no longer be needed, and at. the close of the year consideration was being given to the question of their merger. Following on the legislation passed making better provision for the union of counties, petitions were received for the union of the Taumarunui, Kaitieke, and Ohura Counties, in the North Island, and the Waikouaiti and Waihemo Counties, in the South Island. A Commission was set up in each case ; but in regard to the first-mentioned counties the Commission was of opinion that the time was not yet ripe for union, and the matter was not proceeded with. Certain necessary adjustments between the boundaries of the counties were, however, made. In regard to the Waikouaiti and Waihemo Counties, at the time the Commission sat both County Councils were in favour of the union, and in consequence the Commission did not conduct an inquiry into the merits of union. It was subsequently decided not to proceed further in the matter meantime.

I—H. 22.