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APPENDIX A—continued. Return showing the Number of Offences reported, the Number of Offences for which Persons were apprehended or summoned, and Comparison of Crime during the Year ended 31st December, 1925, and Year ended 31st December, 1926—continued.


1925. 1926. Increase or __ Decrease in ® ® Results of Cases in which Persons were °^ § 2 S ® a? apprehended or summoned. Offences ® ® ® h a (Charges against Males and Females Number of reported. O o S"* 0 separately.) * Convictions Offences. ~ 2 ° 2 - - amongst those d . 5 ! committed «m*c -h-o °.2«ra Committed! Summarily ns ami * afla( i for Trial. 2® 2- for Trial. convicted: Dismissed. [ » 8 s S3 £ £ S 2 n ,2° o g ! , g | o IS gs 3-9 o £ M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. ail 55 gj a I m I O Crimes and Justices of the Peace Acts, etc. —continued. Offences against Rights of Property —ctd. Theft from dwellings .. .. 295 325 171 47 1 107 8 8 .. 36 1 30 .. Theft from dwellings, attempted .. 13 78 68 4 64 .. .... 4 .. 65 Theft by clerks or servants .. .. 149 160 153 103 .. 46 2 2 101 .. 11 Theft of animals (specified) .. 44 40 33 10 20 3 10 .. 4 Theft of animals, attempted .. .. 2 2 2.. .. 2 .. 2.. False pretences .. .. .. 609 717 674 111 .. 476 62 24 1 104 .. 108 False pretences, attempted .. .. 23 13 13 .... 12 .. 1 .. .. .. 10 Obtaining credit by fraud .. .. 58 118 107 7 2 73 16 8 1 6 2 60 False accounting by officials or clerks.. 3 .. .. .... .. .. .. 3 Conspiracy to defraud .. .. 2 8 7 61 .. 3 1 6.. Fortune-telling or practising witchcraft 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. | .. 5 Robbery and aggravated robbery .. 4 13 9 9.. .. 7 .. 9.. Assault with intent to rob .. .. 4 6 4 4.. .. 4 .. 2.. Extortion by threats .. .. 2 .. .. .... .. .. .. 2 Burglary ' .. .. .. 74 126 85 69 .. 10 6 .. 37 52 .. Burglary, attempted .. .. 2 13 7 7 .. 7 .. 11 House or shop breaking, &c. .. 511 628 367 265 .. 74 6 22 251 .. 117 House or shop breaking, &c., attempted 52 83 52 15 29 I .. ! 8 11 .. 31 Being found in a dwellinghouse by night 13 11 11 1 5.. 32 1 .. 2 Being disguised or in possession of house- 2 3 3 3.. .. 2 .. 1 breaking implements Receiving property dishonestly obtained 116 111 109 11 71 5 18 4 4 .. 5 Forgery .. '.. .. .. 177 171 156 142 1 9 1 3 .. 138 .. 6 Uttering forged documents or false cer- 45 25 25 19 5 X 19 .. 20 tificates Sending false telegram .. .. 4 7 7 .... 7 .. 3.. Personation .. .. .. 2 5 5 .... 5 .. 3.. Coin, offences relating to.. .. .. 3 3 2.. X .. .. .. 2 .. 3.. Arson .. .. .. • ■ 22 24 13 12 .. X 9 2 .. Arson, attempted .. .. .. X0 7 2 XX .. X.. .. 3 Wilfully placing obstruction on railways 5 4 2 .... 2 .. .. 1 Placing explosive with intent to destroy .. 1 .. .... .. .. .. 1 buildings, ships, &c. Mischief .. .. .. 604 536 518 5 .. 480 11 20 2 2 .. 68 Mischief on railways &nd tramways .. 38 9 4 .... 4 .. .. 29 Possessing or making explosive sub- 4 .. .. .... .. .. .. 4 stance, &c., with intent thereby to commit a crime Sending threatening letters .. .. 5 3 3 .... .. 3 .. .. 2 Aiding and abetting or counselling the 28 XX XX .... XX .. .. X7 commission of an offence Police Offences Act. Breaoh of the peace or behaviour with 686 534 533 .. .. 479 X0 39 5 .. .. .. X52 intent Cruelty to animals.. .. .. 230 X39 X35 .. ..I XXI 2 20 2 .. .. 9X Drunkenness .. .. .. 7,690 7,26X 7,26X .. .. 6,906 351 4 .. .. .. 429 Drunk while in charge of horses, &c., or 2X7 277 277 .. .. 268 .. 9 .. .. 60 loaded firearms Drunk and disorderly .. .. 371 3X6 316 .. .. 302 X4 .. .. 55 Soliciting prostitution .. .. '9 8 8 .... .. 8 .. .. X Exposure of person and grossly indecent 224 3X2 290 28 .. 242 5 XX 4 3 .. 88 acts Using profane, indecent, or obscene lan- 669 742 742 1 .. 687 27 26 X .. .. 73 guage Vagrancy (idle and disorderly persons, 598 832 831 X .. 684 90 42 14 X .. 234 rogues and vagabonds, and incorrigible rogues) Assaulting, obstructing, or resisting con- 217 207 206 .. .. X99 X 6 .. .. .. X0 stables, &c. Intimidation to restrict lawful acts .. X .. .. .. .. X Inciting violence, disorder, or lawless- 37 17 17 .... 15 .. 2 .. .. .. 20 ness Unlawfully using horses, motor-cars, &c. 272 473 378 1 .. 343 3 31 1 .. 201 Unlawfully on premises by night without 53 130 130 .... 115 8 7 .. .. 77 criminal intent Sunday trading .. , . .. 93 67 67 .... 52 14 1 . . .. .. 26