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Mokau, Manaia, Stratford, Wanganui, Feilding, Masterton, Karori, Wellington South, Wakefield, Greymouth, Christchurch, Addington, Fendalton, Kaiapoi, Darfield, Temuka, Pleasant Point, Dunedin, South Dunedin, Woodhaugh, Owaka, Invercargill, and Bluff. Extracts from reports of officers in charge of districts are appended. W. B. Mcllveney, Commissioner of Police.

EXTRACTS FROM ANNUAL REPORTS OF OFFICERS IN CHARGE OF DISTRICTS. Inspector Hollis, Whangarei District. On the 31st March, 1927, the authorized strength of the Force in the Whangarei Police District was thirty-one, being a decrease of one. One constable and one temporary constable were replaced by two district constables, and one Native constable discharged. The same efficiency was maintained at a considerable saving to the Department. There is a slight falling-off in offences committed during the year, the number reported being 890, against 949 for the previous year. There was a great decrease in breaches of the Licensing Act, such as drunkenness, " found upon licensed premises," &c., due to the railway-construction work being partly finished, and with it the discharge of men. There was an increase of serious crime, such as burglary, breaking and entering, &c., committed in most instances by young men and youths, who were arrested and convicted, the majority being first offenders. The general conduct of members of the Force in the Whangarei Police District has been good, there being only two defaulters. Efficiency has been maintained, the result being excellent. Superintendent Wohlmann, Auckland District. ■ The strength of the Force on the 31st March, 1927, was 207. During the year the strength was increased by four constables and one detective. New stations were opened during the year at St. Helier's Bay and Papatoetoe. A permanent constable has been appointed to charge of Panmure Station, replacing a district constable. The casualties totalled thirteen, made up as follows : Discharged as medically unfit, 3 ; discharged on resignation, 10. The offences return for the year ended 31st December, 1926, shows a total of 8,281 offences reported, as compared with 8,544 in the previous year ; but the decrease of 263 is accounted for by the absence this year of 457 breaches of the Shipping and Seamen Act on occasion of the shipping strike in 1925. In the total of other offences, therefore, there is this year an increase of 194. Of the total offences reported, 7,299 were accounted for by arrests or summonses, leaving 982 undetected. Two charges of murder were preferred against a man for the murder of his two children near Papakura. He was found to be insane at the time of the act, and ordered to be detained in a mental hospital during the Governor's pleasure. The conduct of the police during the year has been on the whole satisfactory. Thirty-four constables were punished for fifty-four breaches of regulations. During the year the police in the City of Auckland, with the exception of the Borough of Newmarket, were relieved of the duty of regulating traffic. This afforded relief, and enabled the diversion of the whole time of the constables required to man the points to regular police-duty. Inspector Willis, Hamilton District. The strength of the Force on the 31st March last was seventy-seven, being an increase of one sergeant and four constables during the year. Of this increase one sergeant and one constable were posted to Frankton Junction, and three constables to Hamilton Station. These additions to strength' which had been asked for for years, were urgently required, and have made for smoother working and efficiency, and have enabled me to meet outside calls and contingencies without unduly weakening the strength at Hamilton. The number of offences reported during the year was 3,017, as against 2,501 for the previous year, being an increase of 516. Theft (undescribed), drunkenness, obscene language, vagrancy, &c., were responsible for most of the increase. The figures do not call for any special comment; there was no crime of a very serious nature during the year. With one or two. minor exceptions, the conduct of the non-commissioned officers and men has been very satisfactory, and efficiency has been well maintained. Inspector Eccles, Gisborne District. The strength of the Force in this district on the 31st March, 1927, was thirty-four. There has been no increase or decrease during the year. The only casualties were two constables dismissed and two constables resigned. For the year ended 31st December, 1926, the total number of offences reported was 1,163, as against 1,024 for the previous year, an increase of 139. Arrests or summonses resulted in 1,142 cases, leaving twenty-one unaccounted for. I think the increase in the number of prosecutions during the year is principally due to the fact that the jjolice in this district have been more active than former years. The only cases of serious crime worthy of mention were two cases of murder, one case af attempted murder, and one case of robbery with violence.