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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Number T f . m of Persons. 1927—28. VOTE No. 16.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE— 1927-28. continued. £ £ Subdivision No. III.—Bankruptcy. 11 Salaries— Clerical Division. Glass I— £ 1 at £565 ... ... 565 1 at £70 (also £470 as Clerk of Court) 70 3 1 at £50 (also £565 as Registrar, Supreme Court) 50 685 Glass II— 2 I 2 at £515 ... ... ... 1,030 Glass III— 1 at £470 ... ... 470 2 at £45 (also £425 as Clerk of Court) 90 4 1 at £20 (also £450 as Clerk of Court) 20 • 580 Glass IV— 1 1 at £425 ... ... ... 425 Glass 71— 3 at £335 ... ... 1,005 4 1 1 at £335 (4 months), £320 (8 months) 325 1,330 Class VII— 1 at £295 ... ... 295 1 at £250 ... ... 250 1 at £210 (11 months), £190 (1 month) 208 4 | 1 at £155 (11 months), £135 (1 month) 153 • 906 N ON-PERMANEN TS. 1 at £260 ... ... 260 2 at £143 ... ... 286 4 1 at £117 ... ... 117 663 22 5,619 Other Charges for and incidental to — 12 Advertising, books, newspapers, and other publications 300 13 Fuel, light, power and water, cleaning, cartage, and office equipment and maintenance ... ... 25 14 Law-costs ... ... ... 50 15 Office fittings, furniture and requisites ... ... 175 16 Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes and telephones 350 I 17 Printing and stationery ... ... ... 300 | 18 Remuneration to Deputy Assignees ... ... 3,000 19 Renewal of fidelity-guarantee premiums (recoverable) 52 20 Rents ... ... ... 500 21 Transfer and removal expenses ... ... 50 22 Treasury Department for services of officers ... 50 23 Travelling allowances and expenses ... ... 100 24 Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of this subdivision ... 15 Estimated credits-in-aid under Section 51 of the Public Revenues Act, 1926 (see end of vote) — £ Fidelity-guarantee premiums ... 52 4,967 Total —Subdivision No. Ill ... 10,586