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B.—l [PT. IY, SUP.] .

I hereby certify that the Balance-sheet and accompanying accounts have been duly examined and compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly state the position as disclosed thereby.— G. F. C. Campbell, Controller and Auditor-General.

ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT— continued. WAIKATO ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY.— ARAPUNI SCHEME— continued. Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1927— continued.


1925-26. Liabilities. ] 926-27. 1925-26. I Assets. 1926-27. j | j £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 553,019 14 11 ! Brought forward .. .. .. .. 1,216,032 5 4 414,198 13 5 Brought forward .. .. .. 993,554 9 8 Works, &c., at Arapuni —continued. 3,949 0 5 Motor-vehicles .. .. .. 4,088 3 11 7,470 2 2 Loose tools, plant, and equipment .. 6,758 3 11 Engineering, office, and general expenses on preliminary survey and during con15,696 7 5 struction .. .. .. .. 45,375 13 10 Supervision and office expenses on trans-mission-lines and substations during 8,404 2 2 construction .. .. .. 10,503 14 5 41,159 17 7 Interest during construction .. .. 87,985 19 1 Cost of raising loans .. .. .. 18,420 0 0 173,131 15 2 76,679 9 9 1,166,686 4 10 61,263 18 6 Stocks of material on hand .. .. .. 48,364 10 2 877 13 3 Sundry debtors .. .. .. .. 981 10 4 £553,019 14 11 £1,216,032 5 4 £553,019 14 11 £1,216,032 5 4 STotb. —The sum of £268,107 7s. 5d. representing various assets which form part of the permanent works of the Arapuni Scheme but which are in the meantime operated in production of revenue by the Horahora Scheme has been transferred to the accounts of the latter scheme. In connection therewith maintenance (£3,235 15s. 6d.), interest (11,399 13s. 9d.), depreciation (£5,362), and sinking fund (£2,681) are charged against the Horahora Scheme.